ONE NEWS. 08/06/2011

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Former Labour MP Darren Hughes has been cleared of any wrongdoing by Police. Where to now for Hughes?
Guyon Espiner (TVNZ Political Editor - live from Parliament); Trevor Mallard (Labour MP); John Key (PM - National); Davey Hughes (Uncle).

Controversy has erupted over a controversial report into the use of 1080 poison which has suggested it should be used more frequently.
Kate Winters (Anti-1080 Campaigner); Dr Jan Wright (Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment); Peter Dunne (United Future Leader); Kate Wilkinson (Conservation Minister).

Five prisoners who protested on the roof of the Hawkes Bay Regional Prison for almost 24 hours are now back in their cells.
Beven Hanlon (Corrections Association President); Ray Smith (Corrections Department CEO); Judith Collins (Corrections Minister); Jarden Te Hau (Former Prisoner).

Buckland's Beach residents are opposed to the building of a school for troubled youth being built in their area.
Richard Spong (Local Resident); Cameron Astill (Pigeon Mountain Board of Trustees Chair); Andrea Spong (Local Resident).

Former high ranking Fijian army officer Tevita Mara is applying to come to NZ from his hiding place in Tonga. He says he is prepared to share military intelligence about Fiji with the NZ authorities.
Lt Col Tevita Mara (Former Fijian Military Officer - speaking from Nuku'alofa); Murray McCully (Foreign Minister).

Thousands of people have turned out in Christchurch to attend a prayer service with the visiting Delai Lama.
Ann Bower (Earthquake Survivor); Nick Walls (Earthquake Survivor); Dalai Lama (Buddhist Leader); Amy Cooney (Jaime Gilbert's Sister); Natalie O'Brien (Jaime Gilbert's Partner).

NATO has launched a sustained bombing raid on Libya. But Colonel Gaddafi has spoken on State television, vowing to fight until the end.
Moussa Ibrahim (Libyan Government Spokesman).

Yemen's President was more seriously injured in a rocket attack on his compound than it was first thought, according to US sources.

New figures on boot camps are prompting opponents to claim that they don't work.
Paula Bennett (Social Development Minister); Kim Workman (Rethinking Crime and Punishment); Jacinda Ardern (Labour MP).