ONE NEWS. 11/06/2011

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Tonga's Deputy PM has revealed his country's navy has been embroiled in a showdown with the Fijian Navy over the Minerva Reef.
Barbara Dreaver (TVNZ Pacific Correspondent - live from Auckland newsroom); Samiu Vaipulu (Tonga's Deputy PM - speaking from Nuku'alofa); Malakai Koloamatangi (Canterbury University); Murray McCully (Foreign Minister); Lt Col Tevita Mara (Former Fiji Military Commander).

Controversy has erupted about the sale of a spoof children's book called Go the F*ck to Sleep.
Voxpop; Adam Mansbach (Author); Bob McCroskrie (Family First National Director); Cameron Hyland (Unity Books).

Air power is now being used as Syria tries to contain increasingly bloody anti-Government protest. Thousands of refugees are now pouring across the border into Turkey.

The departing US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has fired a parting shot at some of the United States' NATO allies, with special reference to NATO action against the Libyan regime.
Robert Gates (US Defense Secretary).

There is to be research conducted into whether the Department of Conservation is earning sufficient money for the use of its land.
Jan Wright (Environment Commissioner); Geoff Ensor (Tourism Industry Association); Chris Baker (Straterra Chief Executive); Kate Wilkinson (Conservation Minister).

Interest in Sarah Palin has intensified with the publication of over 20,000 emails sent while she was the Governor of Alaska.
Sarah Palin (Former Alaska Governor); Amy Walter (ABC News Political Director).

Prince Phillip has received the title Lord High Admiral of the Navy on his 90th birthday.
Prince Phillip.