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Moving image
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Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
Production company
Park Avenue Productions, Vardex Group
Sam: Michael Mizrahi
Anna: Lucy Sheehan
Curtis: John Watson
Tony: Edward Campbell
Eric: Peter Tait
Gary: Roy Billing
Harbour Commissioner: William Bullock
Melissa: Sylvia Rands
Director: Richard Riddiford
Producer: Richard Riddiford
Producer: Amanda Hocquard
Screenplay: Richard Riddiford
Screenplay: Jonathan Dowling
Director of Photography: Murray Milne
Editor: Chris Todd
Assistant Director: John Kaiser
Assistant Director: Baine Huggett
Assistant Director: Dennis McDonald
Music: Chris Knox

A low budget comedy thriller set in pre stock market crash Auckland of the 1980s. Sam is a toll operator eavesdropping on toll calls for light relief. When he chances upon a complex web of corruption and blackmail involving the proposed Auckland Harbour Tunnel Development, his life takes on new meaning. He is determined to expose the baddies and extricate the woman he fancies from the sordid network.

“Shot in 1988, there’s fun to be had spotting the changes in Auckland wreaked upon by those same developers and big businesses the film has a good go at [...] Special mention must also go to Chris Knox for his music score that adds so much to the off-beat tone of the film. Riddiford, cast and crew have done very well to get such an ambitious screenplay on screen with the small budget they had. The overflow of ideas really makes Zilch! quite something. ” (“Edgy Zilch! flies high”, Auckland Star, 1 March, 1990.)