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027:36 Passengers on board the Queen Mary - Liverpool; boxing match is a highlight for many of the passengers on board the ship.
030:13 Panoramic shots of the New York city taken from a high rise building? large houses in the country; beach front homes; tree lined street; toddler sitting on grass verge; oil rigs on sea coast; steam engine pulling many carriages; ‘Santa Barbara’ written above archway of building; San Francisco Bay Bridge viewed from Fisherman’s Wharf (San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge;) Alcatraz; Golden Gate bridge from San Francisco hills; pans across San Francisco city and bay, including Treasure Island; cars racing around track; view from the wharves to The Bay Bridge; streamers waving in the breeze as ship prepares to leave wharf; ship passes under Golden Gate bridge; island of Alcatraz; ship’s backwash; Golden Gate bridge in background.
035:18 People swimming in the sea; various shots of Naval ship and crew; tourists; people having difficulty keeping upright on a very windy day; coastal shots; tourists relaxing on the beach; recreation on board cruise ship; various scenes taken in Hawaii; people relaxing and swimming on board ship; radio masts - New Caledonia? markets, little boy doing the hula; young lad climbing coconut tree, island youngsters posing with tourists.
042:24 Last picture frame.