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Sunset. Traveling shots on moving boat of sea, islands, bow of boat, coastal landscape. Intertitle ‘MV Kaitangata sails for Portland 1PM’. View of [island]. Coastal landscape. Ship in harbour. Men painting ship. Steam train working on wharf. MV Kaitangata at port. Men descend ship into longboat. Cargo being unloaded. Island from moving boat. Men working on boat. Man being fitted with diving suit and round diving helmet, then being lowered into water. Men winding reel on wharf. Traveling shots from moving boat of coastline. Sunset. Tarawera. Intertitle ‘The trials and triumps of a small banana boat’. Sunset. ‘Napier’. Coastline from traveling boat. Ship in port, Napier. ‘New Zealand Apples’ crates, ‘Leopard Continental Lager’ boxes. Boxes being lowered into ship’s cargo hold. High angle view of ships at wharf.

Sign ‘MV Tarawera sails for Lautoka this day at 2pm’. Traveling shots from moving boat coast, crew on board ship, dog chews bone on deck. Intertitle ‘Lautoka’. Scenes at Lautoka of scenic harbour views, machinery being loaded from ship onto truck on wharf, truck drives off. Temple. ‘Saweni Beach’. People relaxing around pool. Sign ‘MV Tarawera sails for Suva this day at 4pm’. Traveling shot from moving boat. ‘Suva, Fiji’. Views of Suva, ship at wharf. Swimming pool. Shop signs. Memorial. Men at lookout. Buildings. Ship in harbour. ‘Nukulau Island’. ‘Lami Bay’. Water skiing. Scenes on board ship of sailors on deck, drinking. Gondola. ‘Apolima’. Scenic views of sunset.

‘Apia’. Men in long canoe. Coastal views. [Hotel]. Man climbs coconut tree. Monuments. Street scene. Men on boat being towed. Settlements on shore. Cars being lowered off boat. Local canoes. Men with horses in sea. Woman in front of house with man. Street scene. ‘Vailima and the tomb of Robert Louis Stevenson’. Various views of landscape, local children. ‘The Falls, Falefa’. Waterfall. Ship in port. Hotel complex. ‘MV Tarawera sails for Nukualofa this day at 6pm’. Local men on boat. Scenic coastal views. Ship. ‘Volcanic Tongan Islands’. Locals with wares at market.

‘Nukualofa, Tonga’. Buildings, scenic views. Hotel complex. Bats on tree. ‘Blowholes at Hauma. Ocean swells burst through the coral ledges’. Local men in front of monument. Local men holding coconuts. ‘Tongan girls of the Nukualofa waterfront Hells Belles’. Local woman poses, various shots of locals. Boat being unloaded of cargo. Views of scenery and locals. Traveling shots from moving boat. ‘Raoul Island’. ‘Rarotonga’. Men unloading boat on wharf. Small craft on sea. Sunset. ‘MV Tarawera sails for Auckland this day at 6pm’. Men painting funnel of boat. Traveling shots from boat. ‘Cape Brett’. ‘Bream Head’. Auckland port.