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A fragmentary record of the 1901 royal visit to New Zealand by the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York to thank New Zealanders for their contribution to the Boer War. The film was commissioned by the New Zealand Government on 20 April 1901.
Scenes of their receptions at Rotorua, the Grand Carnival of the Tribes; Wellington, procession along Lambton Quay through the Westport Arch; and Dunedin, Boer War medal presentation in the Octagon. No footage remains of their Auckland reception.
From Ōhinemutu the Royal Couple and their party proceeded to Whakarewarewa. Here they were officially met by Wi Keepa Te Rangipuawhe, Mita Taupopoki, and other rangatira of Tūhourangi.
Mr Clark, the Government Inspector, was in charge of affairs. Guide Sophia, one of the few survivors of the Tarawera eruption of 1886 conducted the Duchess, while her niece Maggie Papakura, took charge of the Duke.
Pan from left to right across the Māori groups ready to give welcome to the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall at the Rotorua race course on the day of the dress rehearsal of the ‘Grand Carnival of the Tribes’ at which the royal couple were present (14th June). On left is Ngāiterangi, (note the Tamateatutahi flag flying), then Ngāti Porou in the centre in white singlets, purple sashes and black loin cloths with spears, Ngāti Kahungunu next to them bare chested with flax piupiu and white albatross feathers and taiaha, holding a ‘hui’ banner. On their right the Ngāti Maniapoto in scarlet loin cloths and spears. In front of the warriors are lines of poi dancers. The Ngāiterangi in long white mats enriched with tufts of feathers with piupius and the white feathers of the albatross in their hair. The Ngāti Raukawa dancers with the Ngāti Huia flag presented to them by Lord Onslow in scarlet and white with piupiu and feathers. Above them fly the tribal flags, soldiers and police pass among the crowd and elders and chiefs stand proudly to the fore in each group. Onlookers are kept back by picket ropes and marshals. Behind the gathering can be seen the tented camp of the tribes and to the right the mounted khaki clad horsemen of the Wairarapa Mounted Rifles, the self appointed escort to the royal party. (Notes from Loughnan, 1902).
The haka parties perform: Ngāti Porou with spears followed by the Ngāti Kahungunu haka with taiaha and tewhatewha (battle axe). Maori elder with korowai draped round his shoulders leads in the right foreground.
Dressed in splendid feather cloaks the Duke and Duchess approach the camera escorted by Premier Seddon and Mrs Seddon on either side, Joseph Ward and James Carroll, Minister of Native Affairs.
Static shot of Rotorua geysers.
A standard bearer of the Tūhourangi enters from right of frame carrying the TAKITIMU tribal flag. Unfortunately the cameraman cuts his head off and most of the flag.
Formally dressed dignitaries watch the geysers, but inevitably the presence of Perry’s camera crew cranking behind them draws them to turn and peer at the curious contraption. A very smart Maori officer of the Wairarapa Mounted Rifles, possibly Captain Rimene the commanding officer, is prominent in the group.
Duchess of Cornwall is escorted through Whakarewarewa by guide Sophie, a survivor of the Tarawera eruption, with a police constable walking ahead, dignitaries following and onlookers in background. The smart Maori officer is in background (carrying riding whip and wearing a Diamond Jubilee medal).
Horses of the Police Royal Body Guard in foreground. Royal party at Whakarewarewa.
The party, including Seddon, crosses in front of camera led by guide Sophie. The camera comes in for some interest.
Party approaches with steam rising in background. Crowd watches geyser then are drawn to look at camera.
Party with guide Maggie Papakura in front of geyser.
Crowd of onlookers. [Note: Salvation Army camera assistant, with distinctive hat, briefly moves in front of camera].
Wellington. The royal carriage passes along Lambton Quay beneath the Westport Arch (made of massive blocks of coal). The Quay is lined with volunteer corps infantry who present arms as the royal carriage passes. The Wellington crowds cheer and wave as the Duke salutes in acknowledgement. His ADC, Captain Viscount Crichton in breastplate and helmet of the Royal Horse Guards, rides by his side. They are followed by Colonel Sommerville leading the thousand mounted rifle volunteers who escort the couple. The film captures the test of horsemanship of one of the officers when his mount is unsettled by the cheers of the crowd. The soldier behind him smiles and acknowledges a call from the crowd.
Finally we glimpse the march past of the artillery brigade and the six guns, sixty horses and eighty men of Wellington’s D Battery, with the gunners splendid in their dress uniforms and busby head-dress.
Dunedin medal presentation in the Octagon. HRH Duke of Cornwall presents medals to NZ Boer War veterans in uniform who file through and salute, as HRH is passed the campaign medals by his ADC, Captain Viscount Crichton, with the Duchess in the background on the canopied dais. Military dignitaries in full dress ceremonial uniform in the foreground.
As the veterans pass, we see one has lost his right arm. This is likely to be Trooper Albert Marr Beath of the 2nd Contingent NZMR, who was wounded 29/11/1900 and had his arm amputated.
In the background can be seen a ‘Haynes & Co.’ sign and people are on the roofs and balconies of surrounding buildings in the Octagon.