TE KĀEA. 13/05/2018

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Māori Television Service
Taonga Māori Collection

Jacinda Ardern has given her support to Shanan Halbert in the Northcote by-election. Halbert is facing strong opposition in the safe National Party seat from Dan Bidois, but believes that the electorate is in the mood for change. Halbert says that Māori should be empowered to stand in both general and Māori seats. Leah Te Whata reports: Shanan Halbert, Rongo Whakataa / Ngāti Kahungunu.

Te Rarawa iwi are focused on achieving their language goals through a specific strategic plan called Te Reo o Te Rarawa. Their goal is to revitalize their language through reconnecting with their tribal knowledge and the value of informal language patterns as a tool for learning. The sections of the language strategy include traditional songs and traditional healing. Rāniera Harrison reports: Tātai Henare, Pouako, Te Reo o Te Rarawa. Rāniera McGrath, Kaiwhakahaere, Te Reo o Te Rarawa. Nellie Abraham, Pouako, Te Reo o Te Rarawa.      

A respected Mahia Kuia who has campaigned for the rights of indigenous people around the world has been named as the 208 recipient of the Wisdom Fellowship Award by the Sacred Fire Foundation. She has fought in support of water rights in Brazil and stood with the Chiapas revolution in Mexico. Aroha Treacher reports: Pauline Tangiora, Rongomaiwāhine.    

Te Whare Tū Tauā o Tūhorouta have started classes in Gisborne with plans to expand their courses in traditional weaponry. The instructors say that youth studying with him emanate the strength and values of their ancestors. Aroha Treacher reports: Earle Karini, Pou Waru. Costa Blackman, Tauira Mau Rākau. Kahukuranui Karini, Tauira Mau

An initiative in Northland called Hauora Moana is working with Ngunguru school to monitor a reef in the Tutukākā estuary. The goal is to empower communities in caring for their local environment and the marine ecosystem. Tāroi Black reports: Reef Taylor, Ngāti Wai. Loren Hope, Kaiako. Whare Cullen, Tauira. Glenn Edney, Hauora Moana.

The New Zealand Golden Masters Women’s 60 plus waka ama team have set their sights on a gold medal at the IVF World’s in Tahiti. Although the team have been practicing regularly, the invited Corrina Gage to assist them in preparing for the competition. Mere McLean reports: Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Te Rarawa, Te Aupōuri.
Caren Fox, Ngāti Porou.  

The Roosters defeated the Warriors 32 – 0 in the Indigenous round of the NRL t Mount Smart Stadium. Roger Tuivasa-Scheck, Kāpene Warriors.  

The Chiefs have defeated the Stormers 15 – 9 in the Super Rugby competition.

A Waka Ama athlete is proof that people can overcome their disabilities. As a member of the New Zealand Para Waka Ama sprint team, Peter Cowan, is preparing for the IVF World’s competition. Aroha Treacher reports: Peter Cowan, Ngāti Kahungunu / Hāmoa. Honōria Rōpiha, Kaiwhakahaere o te Tira.    
Carl Perkins has passed away after a long battle with cancer. The pioneering reggae musician was a member of Herbs and House of Shem and a devoted member of the Rātana church. Many of his family and friends gathered to honour his memory and the work he accomplished in his work. Tema Hēmi reports: Te Ōmeka Perkins, Tamaiti a Carl Perkins. Tigilau Ness, Ngāti Niue. Kereama Pene, Hoa. Andre Meihana, Hoa.      

The Māori lunar calendar – The moon is in the phase of Mutuwhenua.