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Moving image
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Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
Production company
sunlander films
Photography: Eric F Burns
Director: Eric F Burns

Intertitle: “Sunlander Films Presents - Pacific Paradise”. Qantas DC6 departing [Mangere airport]. Interior of the aircraft, passengers eating dinner. Views out windows. Landing at Norfolk Island. Departing aircraft. Coastal scenes.
Elevated view of penal colony ruins. People walking about the ruins. Grave for the executed mutineer, Walter Burre.
Grave for a Fletcher Christian. [Pitcairn Island]
Rocky coastline, wooden church, fruit trees and tropical fruit. A family picks oranges and puts them in a basket.
An official reception at the airport by veterans for Australian Governor General, Field Marshal Sir William Slim. Reenactments of early settlers arriving on the beach from Pitcairn Island, people land at the jetty and crowds gather to see the unveiling of a commemorative plaque. A band plays and the crowd, still dressed in nineteenth century costume, joins in a huge picnic at old stone wall. Make-shift polo, running races, high jump, a rodeo, horse racing.
Flight home.