gardiner ward film compilation 1

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Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
Taonga Māori Collection

000:00 A group of Polynesian men practising their dance movements, first from a crouching position then to a standing position; the large group casually poses for camera.
001:10 [1945] Steam locomotive with wagons reverses on tracks at a plantation site; brief shots of train tracks; men working in a Nauru phosphate mine shovel phosphate into wheelbarrows which are then taken across the site to be emptied into wagons.
002:53 [1969] (COL) Pans to show the beauty of a homestead’s beautiful gardens and huge flowering magnolia trees.
005:41 (B&W) Various shots of a happy young woman; elderly family shots? the young lady again dishing out meals; man and woman holding child, walk across the paddock and proceed to get into a vehicle parked on the side of a country road.
007:59 [1944] Four Maori children pose for camera outside school building, then a group of children pose in the courtyard.
008:21 Various shots include: A group of people with leis draped around their necks,wander around a yacht marina; seen strolling and relaxing on the beach; woman doing the hula; boats out in the harbour; cargo being off load into boat; various scenic shots.
014:00 A Bay of Plenty road sign reads “Ngaputahi.” Camera Pans to show the old derelict building in this rural area then another sign points to a site reads “Grave of British Scout Killed in Maori Wars.” Various other countryside shots are taken during this trip include: Tarapounamu Summit, Te Whaiti, Ruatahuna, Mangapae Stream; driver of car stops to talk to an elderly Maori couple; vehicle fording the Mangakirikiri Stream, Papueru; sign reads “ Heipiri” - surrounding country; scenes of “Johnston’s Cascade” falls; Camera Pans around countryside; farming family shots on verandah.
016:20 Sign reads “Headwaters of Wanganui River.” Two men getting into vehicle; horses roaming on forest road; brief shots of Māori school children, Bay of Islands? large group of family and friends? enjoy the themselves out in the garden; man at beach; group shots taken in front of vehicle; various other scenic shots; couple pose for various shots with their vehicle; family shots.
022:04 Man practising his golf shots. (some are in slow-motion)
022:32 “Analysis of upper action and follow-through.”
Several other golfers demonstrate their shots.
024:57 Shots include: Man enjoying a drink; two bulls horn fighting; various shots around the Taupo - Rotorua region; sign reads “Rangitaiki River.” Brief shots of Māori in rural area.
027:41 Man parades horse outside stables; woman with young girl in street; men pulling in fish nets to the shoreline; scenic shots; man with car parked under the shade of a tree.
030:25 Soldiers reunite with their families; two servicemen; A Te Arawa Māori warrior performs the wero for many of their young Māori Battalion soldiers returning home from the war. Kuia and koroua gather at Tamatekapua Marae for the event.
031:56 Brass band performing in park; little girl with her cane doll’s pram; group of adults enjoying themselves.
033:07 Last picture frame.