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Moving image
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Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa

Filmed around Fiji prior to the Salvation Army’s establishment in that country. Possibly filmed by Hollis Reed. Much of the film shows a European couple touring villages and posing with local people.

011:33 [COL] Shots of a plane in flight, and a Pacific Island from the air; pans over people milling around a sports ground surrounded by colonial buildings; shots of tropical plants; shots of a a harbour town filmed from a hill; an Indian woman in a sari; shots of naval ships and navy officers; traditional Fijian houses (fale); workers bringing corn sheaves in from the fields; a European woman being punted across a lagoon by an indigenous Fijian man; various shots of people, houses and schools; farming scenes; women in saris; an indigenous Fijian woman with children; pan over a bay; group of smiling children.
016:48 Street scenes in downtown Suva [?]; yoked cattle; a woman husking grain; street scenes; an army band playing; a pan over people queuing at a market; views of bays and countryside; women washing laundry at a riverside; shot of a docked boat followed by views of villages from the water; cargo being transported ashore to a village; shots of a busy town; cattle ploughing a field; a float plane landing; rice being planted; a man climbing a palm tree; cows being milked; European people visiting a school [?]; sugar [?] being harvested; European woman eating watermelon; a pineapple plant, and a European woman being served fresh pineapple at a club.
028:02 [B&W] Shots of a group of people on the deck of a small ship at sea; shot of plane propellers, and landing on water; view of snow-capped Mt Ruapehu and Mt Tongariro from the air.
029:20 Last picture frame.