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Haka Global. S1. Italy

I tēnei wiki kei te Itāria a Mātai, ki te wāhi ātaahua  o Venice. Kua haere a Mātai ki te tāone o Perfugas, i te rohe o Sardinia ki te tūtaki i ngā whanaunga o Ngāti Rānana, te whānau o te rōpu Kapa haka, me ngā whanaunga o Mātai nō Mānutuke, ko David Jones nō Rongowhakaata, Ngāti Kahungunu rāua ko Lewis Karaitiana nō Ruapani, Ngāti Konohi kua haere mai nei ki te ‘Festival Circuit’ .  Ka kōrero a Mātai ki ētehi o ngā mema o te rōpu nei me ō rātou whakaaro mō te tū i runga i te atamira, ka kōrero ki a Anthea Tuakanangaro nō Ngāti Tamekeu, Mauke, Cook Islands me tana tū tuatahi rātou ko Su Hepenstall nō Ngāti Gaeilge( Irish)  Gujurati ( Indian) ko Jamie Royal nō Ngāpuhi, Te Rarawa hoki.

Mātai is at the 50th International Folk Lore Festival at Aviano- Piancavallo, Northern Italy featuring groups from around the world like Russia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Aotearoa. Ngāti Ranginui from Tauranga have been the first group to be invited to Aviano, the group will perform some of the classic songs commemorating some of the soldiers of the 28th Māori Battalion, who fought here in World War 2, their performance is a special tribute to those who fought here and died and Italy is their final resting place. The Māori Battalion sung their marching song to inspire the comradery you needed to serve in battle. Mātai speaks to Charlie Rāhiri nō Ngāti Ranginui about representing their whānau, hapū and iwi with pride. Kura Martin, Ngāti Ranginui talks about being the Camp Mother and hoe they carry themselves around other people.   Ngāti Ranginui has been invited to attend a service at a local church.  With some recent loss of their whānau, their koroua, Mōrehu and one of the leaders of their group Wiparata Ngātoko. They remember them.

Mātai also pays tribute to his friend Wiparata. Ka kōrero a Mātai ki ētehi o ngā mema o te kapa ko Te Kuka Tūkaokao tētehi e akiaki, e whakatikatika i ngā mahi o te rōpu nei.