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Production company
Raukatauri Productions

Haka Global. S1. Vancouver

I tēnei wiki kei Vancouver, Canada a Mātai, ka tūtaki i ngā mema o te rōpu Te Tini a Māui. Ko Patrick Hape tētehi o ngā tino kaikōkiri o tēnei o ngā kapa. Barbara Beall, first time she saw Poi it was in a nightclub and she had no idea what it was, but it just moved her, loved it and taught herself and found out it was from New Zealand. They will perform on Canada day in support of the local indigenous Squamish people.

Mātai reflects back over all the places he has been and the people he has met. Ngāti Rānana in London. Ngā hau e whā in Japan. Haka Global from Italy. Global Haka from Hong Kong. Polynesian Cultural Centre in Hawaii. Utah - Salt Lake City. 1,000 Māori live in Salt Lake City.

Ka tūtaki a Mātai ki a Nephi Prime i huanuku ia ki reira i te tau 2009. He tangata e ngākaunui ana ki te reo me ōna tikanga. Nō Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Ruanui, Tainui, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Apa. He maha ngā tangata kua hui tahi nei ki Salt Lake City. Ka tūtaki a Mātai ki ngā iwi taketake o Utah. Ka kōrero ia ki tētehi wāhine taketake kua haere ia ki Aotearoa he maha ngā wā. Ka kōrero ia ki a Jen Atkinson nō Tainui, mō te rōpu o Ngāti Hiona. Ko Rākaipaaka Pūriri, nō Ngāti Kahungunu. Ka kōrero mō te hanga he marae, he wawata kia whakatu he marae mō rātou. Paris – France. I haerēre haere a Mātai me ana whanaunga a David rāua ko Lewis ki Parī. Ka kōrero ana whanaunga mō te pai o te noho ki Rānana, kāore i tawhiti te haere mai i Rānana ki Pari, ki whenua akē! Ka haere ki tētehi wharekai, ki te kai i ngā kai o reira, pērā ki ngā Snails, he rite ki ngā Pūpū/Bubu o te kāinga, me te Foie Gras he stuffed Goose Liver.