PERSONAL RECORD. ANSCOMBE, EDMUND. [honolulu and oriental bay]

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Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa

Edmund Anscombe (1873 to 1948) was the architect of the Centennial Exhibition as well as the Herd St Post Office in Wellington.

The filming starts with a snow covered urban scene [New York] A man is shoveling snow. There are signs saying “Help Britain” and “Stop Hitler”. A department store has a Christmas window display . Shots of high rises. People receiving drive-in lunches Family group with a dog. Little girl on her trike. Monuments and statues (California). NBC Art Deco building. Shots of a Christmas variety show. Neon signs of cinemas. Hatted men eating in a diner. Neo classical building and gardens. Street and shop windows decorated for Christmas.
A ship arriving in Honolulu, shots of passengers on board. Street scenes, tropical trees in flower, children swimming, harbour and beach scenes, tropical vegetation on the side of a road, scenes of the coast from the interior. Views of the “Upside Down Falls” [a National Park], sugar cane, Japanese children crying, elephants grazing, American Pacific fleet at anchor in a bay . Scenes from the ship leaving Hawaii. Arriving at Fiji. Christmas on board ship. Scenes of Oriental Bay with people swimming. A view along Oriental Parade taken from the building which Mr Anscombe designed (note double tram lines in the road) . Views across and from the harbour with a shot of the Lyttleton ferry TEV “Rangatira” arriving in port. Shots of two women, floral displays, boys in a canoe, people on the beach, close up of gulls, close up shots of Oriental Bay building [Anscombe flats] and a pipe band marching along Oriental Parade.