TE AO - MĀORI NEWS. 24/11/2019

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New Zealand/Aotearoa
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Māori Television Service
Taonga Māori Collection
Presenter: Tamati Tiananga

Ko tā te kāwanatanga ka āhei ngā mouhere i mouheretia i roto i te toru tau te pōti. Karere: Aroha Mane. Shane White, Kaupapa Whakaora ki Hoani Waititi Marae. Pihopa Brian Tamaki, Te Hāhi o Destiny. Gholriz Ghahraman, Te Rōpū Kākāriki.

E whai whakaaro ana ngā kainoho o te Tai Tokerau ki ngā mātauranga Māori hei kimi rauemi ki te whakapiki i te hauora o te wai. Ko He Kete Waiora tētahi o ngā rauemi kua hua mai. Karere: Dean Nathan. Bobby Newson, Te Tao Maui, Te Rarawa. Chantez Connor-Kingi, Ngāti Hine, Te Waiariki, Ngāti Korora, Ngāti Takapari. Rereata Makiha, Te Mahurehure.

Kua rewa mai ētahi pakipūmeka e whakamana i ngā kōrero mō te Kererū ki tā te iwi o Ngāi Tūhoe. Puke Timoti, Te Tuawhenua Trust. Wiremu Doherty, Ngāi Tūhoe. Menu Ripia, Ngāi Tūhoe.

Kua hangaia e Microsoft tētahi hangarau e taea ai te whakawhiti i ngā reo kē ki te reo Māori. Karere: Regan Paranihi. Ahorangi Pare Keiha, Te Whare Wānanga Aronui o Tāmaki Makaurau. Anne Taylor, Education Lead at Microsoft New Zealand.

I tae atu a Hinurewa Poutu ki te whare tapere o Mokuola Honua i Hawai’i ki te kōrero i ngā take whakarauora reo taketake. Karere: Mare Haimona Riki. Lilinoe Ahia, Tauira, Ke Kula ‘o Nāwahīokalani’ōpu’u. Hinurewa Poutu, Kaikōkiri Reo, Whakaata Māori. Amy Kalili, Kaiwhakahaere, Mokuola Honua. Dafydd Trystan, Kaikōkiri Reo, Wēra Cymry. Ciinkwia Jarrid Baldwin, Kaikōkiri Reo, Iwi Miami o Oklahoma.

E tākarohia ana ngā Pōtae Pango ki Ingarangi i tēnei wā.

I tukia te waka o Mitch Evans i te whakataetae Jaguar Racing i Saudi Arabia. Mitch Evans, Kaitaraiwa Māori.

Kua whakaterea e ngā iwi o te Tauihu o te Waka a Māui tētahi waka hou. He mea i whakahaerehia e rātou mō te kaupapa TUIA250.Ko Te Haeata te ingoa o te waka. Karere: Jess Tyson. Kiley Nepia, Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō. Kiri Pounamu Nepia, Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō.

Kua whakamana he kirimana ki waenganui i a Disney me te iwi Saami e taea e te iwi Saami te whakatō i tō rātou ahurea kia tika ki roto i te kiriata Frozen 2. Karere: Stacey Morrison, Māngai Disney. Hineani Melbourne, Heamana, Ngā Aho Whakaari. Ava DuVernay, Ringatohu, “A Wrinkle In Time”.

Ko Omutu ka mahuta mai rā ki te pae.

Ngā tohu huarere o te wā.