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Moving image
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Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
Photography: Bathie Stuart

Airstrip, view from plane taking off. Aerial views of hills. People walking up to a building, “New Guinea Goldfields Ltd”. TAA aeroplane. Aerial views of hills and towns. People standing on airstrip, some with suitcases. Man unloading bags from plane. Aerial views of hills, a river, township. View from plane as it lands. Local people gathered [for a church service outside.] Shots of people, a mother and baby, children. Woman with pink parasol is rowed on a boat by two men. Shots of the river. Sign reading, “Kambubu: Jones Missionary College: SOA Mission”. Views of the mission buildings, men in shorts, suits and ties walk around, and then sing in formation, led by a conductor. Children in the river, emptying their net of small fish. Men standing on the banks of the river. View of the road from a vehicle, local people line the road as they pass. Shot of war memorial. European woman [possibly a health nurse] lays out cloths on a table. She sits and writes at the table. Local baby being weighed. Child being checked by nurse. Children in forest. Child’s hair being cut. Child in courtyard. Child being immunised. Baby being weighed. A group of children. Sign reading, “M. Bitapetep: Village School”. Children in the school yard. A child sleeping. A child’s hair being combed. Family eating in forest. Vehicle being loaded with the nurses’ equipment. Pan of coastal township. Views in the forest, woman walks. Man goes to cave entrance. Man carries load on his back through the forest. Man at cave entrance. Woman carrying load [on get] back down a road. Coastal views. Church. Large house and garden, with colourful blooms. Boys playing on sports field. Birds on a tree. Street scene. Memorial reads, “In Memory of our beloved Chinese brothers captured as civilians in Canton 9 Sep. Arrived Rabaul 22 November 42, released by Australian Forces 25 Sep. These 236 graves represent the 636 of our brothers who were shot, tortured or otherwise died as a result of their Japanese bondage”. Family outside large house, holding large leaves. Coastal views, palm tree. Woman on mat holding tiny baby and older baby. Family standing in forest. Australian and British war memorial, gardens, monument and graves. Men with sack marked, “cocoa beans”. One of the men fills the sack while two hold it. Men moving the cover over the beans. Hand holding tropical fruit in tree. Shots of trees and fruit. Man sitting inside (dark shots). Huts in garden. Man with dog and child outside house and in forest. Fruit displayed at street market. Women sitting on the ground selling fruit. Women sitting with babies and children. People buying fruit. Sunset. Woman with rake standing in the sea. Man in bathing costume at water’s edge. Aerial views of islands, airstrip, sea. Outside air terminal. Clouds. Memorial by the sea. Aerial view if island townships, and same memorial. Aerial views of mountains. People in line by aircraft, with the pilot.
Break in film.
Men weaving mats with rushes. Child holding doll dressed as tribesman. Tribesmen wearing head-dresses parade. Women and children in similar costume. Women in beaded head-dress. Tribesmen dancing.
Boy holding small animal. Tribesmen with weapons, milling around and performing. Women in traditional dress. Scenes at a stall, people (tourists and locals crowding for food). Sign reads, “Rotary International”. Woman lying on ground, tribesman put his foot on her and dances. Tribesmen milling around. Formation of men with large coloured head-dresses. Scenes of the parade, men in masks, head-dresses and body ornamentation, performing for European tourists, and locals.