TE KARERE. 21/4/2020

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Te Karere
Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
Broadcast Date
Production company
Television New Zealand
Taonga Māori Collection
Presenter: Scotty Morrison (Te Arawa)

E whakatikatika ana ngā kaimahi kōhanga reo ki te whakapuare anō i ō rātou kuaha. Karere: Te Okiwa McLean. Rau Rameka, Te Otinga ki Tāmaki Kōhanga Reo. Angus Hartley, Te Poari Matua o te Kōhanga Reo.

Ko tā te Minita Mātauranga, ka whai wāhi ngā tamariki o ngā kaimahi whaitake anake ki te hoki ki te kura i raro i te taumata tuatoru o te pae mataara. Karere: Irena Smith. Rawiri Waititi, Te Whānau-a-Apanui. Christ Hipkins, Minita Take Mātauranga.

E toru ngā reanga o tētahi whānau e noho taratahi ana ki tō rātou whenua tīpuna, e whaiwāhi tonu ana ki te ako i ā rātou tamariki. Karere: Harata Brown. Rangimarie Pomare, Tumuaki, TKKM o Tūtūtarakihi.

Kua tau te kupu a te kāwanatanga i Hawai’i kia kati tonu ngā kura i reira tae atu ki te mutunga o te tau nei. Karere: Hania Douglas. Kiliona Palauni, Kaiako, Hawaii.

Ngā tatauranga o te wā mō te mate korona: Kotahi anō te tangata kua hinga i te mate korona. Tokorima ngā tūroro hou. 1445 katoa ngā tūroro i Aotearoa, 124 ngā Māori. 1006 ngā tāngata kua ora ake.

Kei te whakapau kaha a Rupene Mare ki te whakatutuki i te wero kua whakatakotoria ki mua i a ia. Karere: Harata Brown. Rupene Mare, Kaiwhakapakari Tinana.

Ngā tohu huarere o te wā.

I te rāhui mohoao kua hono a Te Karere ki ngā reo irirangi Māori o te motu. Raniera Winikerei, Maniapoto FM, Te Reo Irirangi o Ngāti Maniapoto.