TE KARERE. 23/12/2020

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Rights Information
Media type
Moving image
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Te Karere
Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
Broadcast Date
Production company
Television New Zealand
Taonga Māori Collection

E piki ake ana te nui o te hunga rangatahi e kimi whare ana. He rangatahi ētahi 51% o te hunga kāinga kore. E karanga ana a Tāmaki Youth Homelessness kia whakatikahia tēnei raruraru nui. Aaron Hendry, Manaaki Rangatahi. Bianca Johanson, Lifewise. Karere: Te Rauhiringa Brown.

E tirohia ana e ngā āpiha o te tautiaki moana ngā haonga kohikohi kai moana ki Ahipara. Daniel Leef, Āpiha Ahumoana. Thompson Lawrance, Āpiha Ahumoana. Jason Reti, Kairuku. Jordan Jujnovich, Kairuku. Karere: Harata Brown

Kua whainahia a Mediaworks kia $3000 i te kōrero kaikiritanga a Sean Plunkett i tana uiui i a Louis Rāpihana o Te Whānau-a-Apanui. Louis Rāpihana, Whakatāne.

E whakatewhatewha ana ngā Pirihimana o te Wairarapa nō te mea i tangohia ngā whakaahua o ngā rangatahi Māori, kāore i whakaaehia e aua rangatahi. Hei tā te kōmihana tamariki a Andrew Beecroft, i hē ngā pirihimana.

Kua pupuhatia te maunga tupua o Kilauea i Hawai’i. Kua haere mai ngā marea o Hawai’i ki te mihi ki tō rātou tipuna whaea a Pele. Luca Kakakaole, Edith Kanakaole Foundation. Karere: Keith Robertson Gore.

Ka rītaia a Ahorangi Pou Temara i muri mai i 43 o ngā tau e whakaako ana i te reo Māori me ngā tikanga Māori. 15 tau hoki tana roa i te Whare Wānanga o Waikato. I whakaako hoki a ia i Te Panekiretanga o te Reo Māori. Ahorangi Pou Temara, Rūānuku Reo/Tikanga. Karere: Okiwa McLean

Kua tata mai te wā kirihimete, me tautoko ngā Māori i ngā pakihi Māori. Ko Kids Korowai tētahi pakihi i te uru o Tāmaki Makaurau i roto i te ōhanga Māori. . Hiria Niha, Kids Korowai. Karere: Hania Douglas

Ngā tohu huarere o te wā.