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Moving image

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New Zealand Soundscenes
Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
Production company
New Zealand Government Publicity Office
Taonga Māori Collection
Photography: Joseph Sylvanus Vinsen
Photography: Lee M. Hill
Photography: Rudall Hayward
Sound: Vic Fray

In the Bay of Islands, Waitangi has temporarily become a tent city. Lord and Lady Bledisloe arrive amidst hundreds of visitors. Lord Bledisloe unfurls the Union Jack and inspects the naval troops. Men from various groups perform the haka and women perform the poi and action songs. A performing party from Rarotonga was also present at the event.

Music over during credits: Pōkarekare Ana.
00:00:00 “Soundscenes Newsreel - special of Waitangi Celebrations”
00:00:19 “Over 10,000 people gathered to show appreciation of Their Excellencies Lord and Lady Bledisloe's gift to the nation - The camp at Ti Point was a model of organisation”
00:01:12 Lord and Lady Bledisloe are accompanied onto the grounds by a number of dignitaries and guests.
00:01:28 “ Māori War Dances and Songs presented spectacle unequalled since visit of present King and Queen in 1901 ”
00:01:37 Large crowds gather to watch Māori perform the haka and action songs.
00:02:10 “ Concluding celebrations as Lord Bledisloe breaks Union Jack on flag staff at the Residency and tribes reaffirm their loyalty to the British Crown.”
00:02:17 Crowds gather to watch the official party approach the Treaty House; Māori elder Mita Taupopoki of Te Arawa gives a whaikōrero which is then translated into English by Kepa Ehau standing beside him.
00:02:37 Official party walk up to dais from which Lord Bledisloe delivers his speech.
00:03:21 Various groups of men perform the haka; women perform the poi; elder delivers whaikōrero.
00:04:28 A group of women from Rarotonga perform a dance; Māori women perform double short poi; canoe poi.
00:06:38 Members of the official party applaud the performances.
00:06:42 The Union Jack flutters in the breeze atop the flagpole; performers listen to speeches.
00:06:51 Sunset.
00:07:06 NZ Government Publicity - logo
00:07:13 The New Zealand Film Archive - Ngā Kaitiaki O Ngā Taonga Whitiāhua acknowledges the generous support of MANATU MĀORI - Ministry of Māori Affairs - logo
00:07:20 Last frame.

He rekoata tēnei mō te hui i whakamaumaharatia i te tau iwa tekau ma whā i muri mai i te hainatanga o te Tiriti o Waitangi.