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Place of production
Photography: Curle
Photography: David L

This amateur film documents a holiday in Fiji and features scenes of rural and village life, scenic views of beaches and the aircraft which travelled through the Pacific.

TEAL Lockheed Electra on tarmac, passengers climbing aboard.
PAN R Across Fiji Airways de Havilland Heron on tarmac to TEAL Lockheed Electra beginning to taxi on tarmac.
GV Fijian policeman directing traffic at intersection.
Fijian children smiling and posing for camera.
GV Fijian women weaving flax and cane.
Boy climbing coconut palm.
GV Various local flora, water lilies.
CU Leaves of Mimosa pudica plant curling after being touched.
GV Small waterfall and pond at base of cliff.
GV Vegetables and produce and Fijian Indian merchants at city market
TRACKING SHOT From inside car driving on rural road.
GV Thatched bure in village.
GV Fijian children smiling and posing for camera.
Piglets sucking from sow.
Fijian youth sitting on felled trees near yoked bullocks.
Pair of men working on engine of car parked on roadside.
Fijian children dancing outside bure while woman seated nearby claps.
GV Fijian family seated on grass in village, smiling for camera, shells and other items laid out in front of them.
GV Fijian women performing meke (women’s seated dance) in village.
GV European tourists walking outside hotel and waving for camera.
GV Large thatched roof church building with cross on roof - men standing inside church near altar.
GV Fijian woman and child walking on beach of lagoon, posing for camera and talking with tourist.
GV Fijian people walking in village.
GV Fijian people constructing bure and re thatching roof.
GV Man using yoked oxen to plough field.
GV Car ferry crossing river - car and tractor boarding ferry.
LS Rail bridge [under construction - being repaired] - locomotive and crane on bridge, crane on floating platform.
GV White sand beaches and blue ocean, palm trees at edge of beach.
GV South Pacific Sugar Mills locomotive sitting besides cane field.
Tourists sitting on white sand beach and palm trees.
NAC Skyliner plane DC 3 taxiing on runway and taking off.

Auckland Harbour Bridge (seen from southern end)
[Manu Wai] Ferry pulling away from Auckland Downtown Ferry Terminal.