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Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa

This amateur film from the 1930’s documents a trip to Fiji aboard a Matson Navigation Company ship. The movie contains scenes of life aboard a steam ship, rural scenes and agricultural areas in Fiji and the city of Suva.

WS SIGN “Matson Navigation Company Hawaii South Seas Australia and New Zealand” on gangway leading to railing of passenger ship moored at wharf.
2 Passenger ships moored at [Auckland] wharves.
TRACKING SHOT Looking from porthole of ship towards distant horizon - waves rising in wake of ships passage.
GV Passengers tossing quoits towards targets marked on deck of ship near railing.
GV Various shots taken from railing of ship underway - distant horizon with lifeboat hanging from davits at top of frame, pitometer hanging from side of ship with dial visible. Female passenger standing at railing near funnel. Sailors on fore deck adjusting canvas hatch cover. Children walking near railing. Passengers seated in deck chairs - sun loungers.
LS GV Ship visible on horizon, Male passenger stands at railing as ship draws closer.
WS GV Passenger ship - cruise ship steams past with smoke rising from smokestack.
TRACKING SHOT Looking from bow of ship towards horizon as ship rises and falls on waves - crew checking fittings near on bow.
MS Two European children sitting on railing of ship with horizon in distance.
HS Overlooking 2 Fijian sailors working on deck - 1 painting something and the other sawing at cargo cases.
LS GV Coastline and forested hills of island.
TRACKING SHOT From small boat sailing away from passenger ship - children sit in boat in FG.
TRACKING SHOT MS Sailors aboard small motor boat moving towards coastline - tow rope trails from motor boat.
WS GV Passenger ship moored off coast of island - Fijian men and palm trees in FG.
MS Man carrying person ashore on shoulders from water onto tropical beach - palm trees in BG.
TRACKING SHOT From motor boat looking towards small boat carrying Fijians being towed away from passenger ship.
WS PAN R From small boat at shoreline to people standing by cargo and supplies on beach near houses and palm trees.
LS GV Coastal settlement near beach and palm trees, small boats move through water offshore - Forested hills in BG.
WS GV Looking towards islands with waves breaking over reefs in middle distance.
WS GV Car being lowered from ship by crane - 2 small boats with wooden platform wait below alongside vessel
TRACKING SHOT GV From motor boat towing 2 small boats away from ship in BG - car sits on wooden platform atop small boats.
HS GV From hilltop overlooking island coastline and colonial buildings amongst palm trees, vesi trees (Intsia bijuga) and other vegetation.
GV Fijian men digging holes with shovels and clearing undergrowth with sele kava (cane knife) in banana plantation.
Man carrying bunch of bananas (Musa - Musaceae) past Fijian youths in plantation.
GV Banana trees with verdant leaves and foliage.
Fijian youth digging at ground with stick to uproot cassava.
MS Fijian boy holding large cassava root (manioc - Manihot esculenta) and displaying it for camera.
GV European man talking to Fijian boys watering garden outside colonial house.
GV MS European man and woman and Fijian boys posing for camera on steps of colonial house.
Stream flowing past bure (thatched traditional Fijian house) and palm trees.
Fast flowing stream passing through rocky area surrounded by trees and vegetation.
GV Bure and colonial houses in village - palm trees and vuni vesi trees near buildings.
WS European man standing on porch of large building with SIGN “Morris Hedstrom” - Fijian men stand nearby.
MS PAN R From young Fijian boys to trays of yaqona (Kava - Piper methysticum) drying in sun near large building.
MS Fijian man standing holding snake by head and tail.
GV Palm trees and vegetation growing near placid stream.
GV Palm trees growing along coastline - waves roll towards beach.
European couple driving car towards camera along dirt road lined with palm trees.
CU Leaves of small plant being struck with stick
GV Trees [possibly pacific teak Intsia] and vegetation lining creek
CU Small crab being prodded by stick
GV European men playing tennis on court surrounded by palm trees and with bure nearby.
GV European children feeding ducks on lawn from metal tin of grain.
MS European man standing holding 2 toddlers and posing for camera.
GV European woman holding toddler and European child atop horse posing for camera.
GV European families seated around picnic table in clearing with palm trees in BG.
WS GV Looking from small boat towards forested coastline of island and plantations growing inland.
Men sitting in boat wearing hats - island in BG.
CU Barracuda wriggling on fishing gaff.
WS GV Coastline, inland plantations and forested hills of island.
MS Men wearing hats seated by outboard motor of small boat moving through water.
MS GV European men standing holding fish for camera - barracuda [tuna, trevally, wahoo]
MCU Pineapple growing on Pineapple plant.
MS Looking up towards bunch of papaya (Carica papaya) fruit growing atop tree.
TRACKING SHOT From car driving along coastal dirt road lined by palm trees - shoreline on L.
PAN R From Wairiki Catholic mission church across small cemetery to bure and colonial houses.
GV Palm trees surrounding small calm lagoon.
MS GV European man sharing and smoking cigarettes with Fijian couple.
GV Bure besides small coastal lagoon.
PAN R Across street ad colonial buildings [Suva]
GV Fijian and Fijian Indian soldiers marching on coastal road [Sikh soldiers wearing turbans].
LS Man walking on lawns in from of the Clock tower in Thurston Gardens (Suva Botanical Gardens).
HS Overlooking buildings in Suva township - passenger ship moored offshore.
GV Cars driving on roads in “The Triangle”, Downtown, Suva.
WS Fijian women walking across bridge over Nabukalou creek - Morris Hedstrom building in BG.
GV People and traffic on Renwick road and other streets - Many Fijians and Fijian Indians - SIGN “Jang Hing Loong Co. Ltd” “Suva Taxi Service”.
HS GV From ship overlooking people working amongst cargo on wharf - Men loading cargo cases into net on wharf.
WS European men standing near cargo on wharf as porters push barrows and trolleys - large ship moored alongside wharf in BG.
GV Men standing on wharf near sailing ship moored nearby.
Smoke rising from smokestack of large vessel.
GV Passengers on deck of ship holding mallets - cues [for shuffleboard], other passengers sit on bench besides lifeboat hanging from davits.
LS GV Hills and ridges of distant island seen from ship.
LS GV Coastal settlement at base of high forested hills [Levuka] - Church with clock tower visible near beach [Sacred Heart Church].
PAN R Across road and telephone poles as base of steep high hills.
Fijian children standing in line posing for camera.
TILT UP Small waterfall
PAN L From small stream flowing into ocean to narrow road ruing through a group of bure and palm trees.
GV Group of Fijian children playing game [kilikiti, cricket] with bat and ball, large rocks for wickets.