TONIGHT. 09/08/1999

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Presenter: Liz Gunn

Evening News bulletin.

‘IBM Logs Out’ The police computer system is in crisis as IBM severs it’s link; legal action is looking likely after IBM Computer giant pulled out of developing the police computer system INCIS (Integrated National Computer System) today; the cost to NZ tax payers to date is $132 million, $35 million more than budgeted, with only stage one of the project operational, the critical crime solving part, stage two and three remain incomplete.

‘Family Slaying’ Police investigating the murder of a mother and her two children in South Auckland, keep vigil of her husband by his hospital bed; police will not release names until relatives in Korea are informed;
New Zealand Foreign Minister Don McKinnon is in Samoa pleading clemency for the man facing a death by hanging for the fatal shooting of the Public Works Minister Mr Luagalau Levaula 3 weeks ago.

MS sufferers are enraged that the government funded pharmaceutical Pharmac will not fund a drug (Beta Interferon) they say can help change their lives;
Russia President Bores Yeltsin has sacked his Prime Minister, and the entire Russian Government, the fourth time he has sacked a premier in eighteen months.
organised crime on the internet as English Soccer thugs brought a new type of violence before a match, by threatening one another by computer;
Europeans are bracing for a total solar eclipse this Thursday, for about two minutes it will be total darkness.

4th day of 3rd test at Old Trafford, Manchester; the Black Caps are on the verge of another historic moment, back to back test wins in England for the first time; Craig McMillan NZ Batsman made his first 100 against England;
weather update.
‘A Clear View’ “Rays and Ripples” by Neil Dawson a new work of art brightens up a new building in Auckland;