3 NEWS. 06/12/1999

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tv3 network
Presenter: Hilary Barry
Presenter: John Campbell
Sport Presenter: Clint Brown
Weather Presenter: Augie Auer

John Campbell, Carol Hirschfeld, sport with Clint Brown and Augie Auer.

New coalition government Labour/Alliance agreement: Coalition Objectives outlined;
interview Jane Young, TV3 Political Editor;
The Transition: Coalition Handshake: Helen Clark, Labour Leader & Jim Anderton, Alliance Leader;
Around the World:
Warning: Child custody battle between Cuba & USA: Fidel Castro, Havana;
Snowboarding accident in Austria has killed dozens of spectators where injured;
An explosion in a apartment building in Dijon, France: 11 people are feared dead, cause unknown;
Martian Silence: Scientists are baffled as contact with a space probe on Mars is failing to reply: Richard Cook, NASA Team Leader: Marc Rayman, NASA Missions Engineer: James Oberg, Space Consultant on Mars Polar Lander;

Funeral: Held at Linton Army camp for 37-year-old Warrant Officer Tony Welser who died in East Timor when his truck over turned;
Secret Weapon: Pearl Harbour in World War Two: new photo footage has found traces of Japanese submarine help: John Rodgaard, Photo Interpreter;
commercial break;

Stars & Strife: Dennis Conner’s American yachting syndicate Stars & Stripes woes: Bill Trenkle, ‘Stars & Stripes’ Crew;
Saved: A fund raising campaign to save a circus Chimpanzee called ‘Buddy’ in Samoa has saved his life: Glen Real, SAFE: Berend Westera, Vet;
Chechnya: Russian forces are tightening their grip on Chechnian city’s: innocent civilians are likely to suffer;
Coal Ban: Christchurch’s annual winter smog problem: Canterbury Regional Council is fighting in court to have coal fires banned: Stephen Christensen, Coal Producers Federation:;
Home Ground: Athletic Park is become a retirement village: Ngatata Love, Tenths Trust Chairman: 50/50 partnership: Sir Paul Reeves, Tenths Trust;
commercial break;

Financial Watch/ Sharemarket report;
Bath Tub: 9 multi million dollar vessels in Auckland, arriving aboard a ship;
Mystery: Millionaire Banker died in Monte Carlo by inhalation of smoke, he could have saved his own life but failed exit his roof top apartment;
New Voice: Alternative Press during WTO talks in Seattle, USA: Dennis Moynihan, Direct Action Network: Jill Friedberg, Independent Media Centre;
commercial break;

Tennis: Davis Cup - Australian 27th victory: John Newcombe, Team Leader;
Resolution: Matthew Ridge, staying or going from the Warriors? his contract is about to finish;
Caleb Ralph: contract Auckland Rugby union player , wanting to transfer to Canterbury;
Bob Templeton: former Wally coach died today;
Bin In: IRB meeting in Sydney, World wide Sin Bin is in;
Windies On Top: Tour Match in Taupo, NZ A’ 68/4 - West Indies 450/5 declared. Chanderpaul 216 n.o.;
Amateurs Rule: Golf - Players Championship, Brisbane, Australia 1, 2 ,3 & 4;
Premiership: English Soccer Premier - Leeds 2 points above Manchester United, Arsenal 3rd;
Speedway season back at Western Springs, Auckland;
Extreme Games in Brisbane, Australia;
commercial break;