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Photography: W T Barton

Shots of visitors and local people in village. Woman holding up large crab to show visitor. view of coastal town taken from ship. Man on outrigger canoe. European visitors looking around village. Woman [probably airline stewardess] with boy, civilians, and a group of men in military uniforms walking down pathway. Long shot of a flying boat at a wharf. View of Western style houses. Group of people on wharf including policeman [Fijian] with “Burns Philp /SS/ C[o. Ltd]” warehouse in the background. Views of coastal settlements taken from ship. [Fijian Army] Band marching along street followed by soldiers. Bus with “Suva Lautoka via Nadi Airport” written on the side of it. Large [probably] water tanks lying in a grove of trees. Man and woman with small pleasure boat moored at shore [of probably river]. Shots of people walking past on verandah. Locals passing gate guarded by policeman. view of spectators and grandstand at sports ground. Long shot of sports event (There is a large [stone] building across the road from the sports ground.). Views of main streets of a coastal town [or city]. Premises; [Regent Hotel], “Joon Hing Loon Co. Ltd”, “Honson Ltd.”, “Carrick Hotel”. Shots of covered market. Policeman directing traffic from kiosk. Steam roller on main road; premises of “Horne’s” and “W.R. Carpenter & Co. (Fiji) Ltd.” are visible in the background. Shots of open air market. People boarding launch at wharf. Views looking from wharf towards settlement. Men pushing trolley loaded with sacks along small gauge rail line. coastal drive. Sign beside driveway: “Koru Levu Rest House...”; shots of Western style building and traditional buildings. Local woman standing in doorway of thatched building holding a toddler; shot of other children. Sign: “Sigatoka Hotel”; view of hotel. Main street of coastal settlement. Group of people with car. Mosque with minarets, onion domes and Arabic script on the facade. View of road through grove of trees; Lautoka. People standing in a shop doorway, taken from the other side of the road.