TV3 NEWS: 18/09/2001

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New Zealand/Aotearoa
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tv3 network

News, sport and weather.
Main stories:

Extended item looking at the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. Wall Street has reopened today but suffered a huge fall.
Chuck Schumer (New York Senator).

Extended item looking at the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. The continuing search for survivors - it could take a year to haul away all the wreckage; NZ fire-fighters have shown a mark of respect for US fire-fighters that were killed in the terrorist attacks.

US President George W Bush has visited a Mosque to plead for an end to retributive acts against American Muslims; however he also spoke like a wild west sheriff about taking Osama bin Laden dead or alive.
George W Bush (US President).

Hotels in NZ are beginning to register a tourism fallout due to the terrorist attacks in the USA.
Voxpop (Tourists); Richard Branson (Virgin Airlines); Gary Toomey (Air NZ CEO); John Moriarty (Tourism NZ).

Analysis of the latest developments of the Air NZ crisis.
Gary Toomey (Air NZ CEO); Michael Cullen (Finance Minister); Jim Farmer (Acting Air NZ Chairman); Sarah Bradley (TV3 Business Editor - live from Air NZ Headquarters).

Over 200 of the asylum seekers refused entry to Australia are now refusing to disembark in Nauru.

Tempers flared at a rally of Ansett workers in Canberra today.
Peter Hedge (Former Ansett Administrator); Greg Combet (Australian Council of Trade Unions).

Breaking News: The Taliban has declared a Jihad (Holy War) on the United States. Who are the Taliban and how did they assume power in Afghanistan? (Includes old film footage).
Abdull Sattar (Pakistan Foreign Minister); Rasool Baksh Baess (International Studies Specialist).

A group of Koru Care children have returned home from Disneyland after being stranded there after the terrorist attacks on America closed the airports.
Voxpop (Parents); Matthew Harris (Koru Kid); Robin Harris (Relieved Parent).