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Photography: Bathie Stuart

1:07:20 ‘Australia’s Jungle Frontier - Papua New Guinea’ Maps of Australia. Brisbane - aerial views, street scenes; monuments, gardens, trees, park with wishing well, koala bear in the tree; kangaroos at a zoo. Great Barrier Reef: aerial view, people getting on board a boat ‘Marena’, views from boat. Tourists outside ‘Great Barrier Reef Theatre showing ‘Wonders of the Reef’’. Tourists walking into the ‘Under Water Coral Gardens Observatory’; views inside of fish swimming among the coral; shark; different coloured coral and shells; rocky coasline; seabirds in flight; Tattooed man holding crocodile head; he fishes one aboard from a boat and cuts the hook out of the head and opens the jaws; Vehicle with boat on top driving through landscape. Shot of river. Heavily tattooed man uncovers nest of crocodile eggs. Crocodile in river. Man with gun, shoots crocodile, and goes out in the boat to get it. Crocodile on land. Man shoots another crocodile, pokes it in the eye with his finger and a scalpel, and opens its mouth and claws. He then skins it. He drives away. Large lizard in a tree. Birds walking along riverbank. Emu in field. Scaly lizard in desert. Snake in desert. Man with goanna in the desert, goads it to attack his dog. He lifts it up by the tail and shakes it, then puts it onto a fire. He then eats it with a friend. Aboriginal man wanders through waves at beach; he spears a fish. Papua New Guinea: aerial views; Australian flag; street scenes; ‘The Hotel Cecil’; swimmers dive into hotel pool. Waiter bearing tray of hibicsus flowers. Local crowd line the pitch for a football match. Coastal views. Aerial views; mountains, volcanos. Locals rowing long boats. Locals outside the ;Cosmo Hotel’. Ships moored at wharf. Town and seascape.
1:24:00 (Some of the following scenes are repeated from basis no.3024) Woman looks out over forest. Man at entrance of caves on hillside. Broken jetty at entrance to cave. Nurse at work. Child’s hair being cut.
1:27:00 Woman picking seeds. Scenes at grading plant: people grading seeds.
1:28:25 (Some of the following scenes are repeated from basis no.3024) Man with dog and child outside house; walking in forest. Tropical fruit. Shelter being pulled over beans. Coffee beans being put into a sack.
1:29:30 Tribesman in headresses walk and dance. Family, women and children pose for the camera. Tiny baby in bag. Men and women pose for camera. Scenes at a market, crowds, fruit being sold, street sellers. Mother and baby. Men pose for camera. Women pose with bananas on theor heads. Large group poses for camera, children with dog. Family outside hut. Girl poses for camera. Woman weaving. Old man poses. Woman poses. Scenes around a fire: the preparation of food.
1:34:55 Aerial views of islands, hills, mountains, forests. Tribal group out hunting. Closeups of headdresses and nose ornamentation. Sign ‘Wapenamanda Patrol Post’. Queue of people outside aeroplane, with pilot, waiting to collect parcels from the hold (shot from basis no.3024)
1:36:00 Scenes of village life - crowd in front of hut: man with nose ornamentation, weaving, preparing food.
1:38:20 Parade of tribesmen and women, and children, all in headresses and ceremonial dress (shots from basis no 3024). Tribesmen in a wide variety of headresses and body painting and ornamentation, perform.
1:45:00 end of reel
1:46:18 ‘Gulf of Papua’ ‘Port Moresby’ Aerial view of town, and coastline. Street scene - traffic policeman under town clock. Buildings. People on the beach, swimming, sunbathing. Market scenes. People posing for camera at the market. Boats drawn up on beach. Woman sitting beside waterfall. Views of the forest: huts among the trees. Trees being carved, and sap collected and stirred. Men posing for camera. Woman with dog. Woman leaving house. Shots of river, landscape. Tree being felled. Log being scraped by machine, sawn amd made into plywood. Sign ‘Royal Papuan and New Guinea Constabulary Training Depot’. Sentry on duty. Soldiers march in formation, with rifles.
1:52:27 Scenes from basis no.3024: Large group gathered for church service, outside; babies and children. Small fish caught in net by boys. Woman with pink parasol with two men on boat. Missionary College; students in grounds. Choir being conducted. Man in grounds of large house and garden. Shots of colourful trees and shrubs. Boys playing football on field.
1:56:09 Aerial views of Sydney. Cityscape from high building, cats in foreground: woman strokes cats. Cityscapes, beach views. Sydney Harbour Bridge. Soldiers on parade through streets. View from car crossing the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Sign ‘Prevent Bush Fires’. Shots of forest and trees. Sign ‘The Koala Sanctuary’; koalas and trees. Emu.Kangaroos. Woman feeding kangaroo. Kangaroo with joey. Black swans on lake. People boarding small aircraft. Aerial views of landscape. People boarding buses. Street Scene: man in turban crossing road. landscape: farm with cattle. View from boat of jetty, on which people stand, among them a Fijian policeman. Boy with dome-like structure. Woman outside thatched hut. Boys outside a school. Colourful trees. Lakeside view of palms. Boiling pools: a woman walks up to lok at them. Woman on beach. Ships at sea. Car arriving on a ferry, with passengers. Boatman poses for camera. Coastal view with palm trees, truck drives past. Sign ‘The Only Motor Road in the Southern Hemisphere Crossing Meridian - Fiji’. View from beach. Woman on beach, walks up to camera. Women and children outside hut, pounding long section of material. Palm trees. Woman holds flower in forest. Tropical gardens, flowers. Man cuts section of flax and cuts it into sections and weaves it, incorporating flowers, into a lei.
2:08:59 Scene from basis no.3024: 2 men with snakes around their necks.
2:09:20 Sign ‘Provincial School Northern Bucalevu’. Schoolchildren congregate for camea. Shots of individual children. Scenes from boat, of boatman. Timber being logged, logs hauled through forest. Shots os sawmill, planks on back of truck and in yard. Man with banana tree. Street scene, traffic policeman in action. Exterior of shops. Woman weaving baskets at pavement stall. Woman dancer combs her hair, and dances with the rest of he group in formation. Male dancers perform in formation. Fijian policeman on duty, with rifle. The grounds of ?official residence, cars drive up the drive. People descend stair. Band conductor leads a brass band. Ship unloads cargo on wharf, sacks are whelled away by barrow. Logs and sticks around a pit. Men working in the pit, carrying stones and building a fire, preparing it for fire walking. Tribesmen come around the pit in ceremonial dress, and pull the logs out from under the hot stones. Men sitting by the beach eating. Sunset on the beach
2:21:24 ‘The End - A Bathie Stuart Production’