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VHS in times
0:00:00 personal record. shannon, ruth. [sheep carrier, borthwicks - fEIlding
freezing works, manawatu aerial topdressing, norfolk island,
felling pine trees] - basis 46327
0:07:20 personal record. shannon, ruth. [trip to norfolk island, haNMer springs,
wellington lambton quay area and wharves] - basis 46213
0:19:02 personal record. shannon, ruth. [wairakei, huka falls, lake taupo, desert
road, flight to ngaurahoe, māori woman with moko] - basis 46324
0:27:29 personal record. shannon, ruth. [george vance shannon, coastal scenes
plimmerton, waituna house, wool carrier, bolton street cemetery,
bread and butter, aerial top dressing] - basis 46325
0:35:58 personal record. Shannon, ruth. [family and excavation] - basis 46363
0:41:58 personal record. shannon, ruth. [royal visit to feilding, trentham races,
haymaking] - basis 46547
0:52:20 personal record. Shannon, ruth. [building new house at waituna]
- basis 46362
1:01:47 personal record. shannon, ruth. [air pageant ohakea, vinegar hill,
landrover weekend, golf, wedding] - basis 46554
1:22:16 personal record. shannon, ruth. winter in waituna, winter in auckland,
winter in fiji - basis 46552
1:39:42 personal record. shannon, ruth. [te kamaka - sheep farm by the sea,
rotorua] - basis 46215
1:44:54 personal record. shannon, ruth. [Building on wanaka, taupo golf club,
trout, topdressing, gliding, paekakariki hill] - basis 46218
1:57:38 personal record. shannon, ruth. [aratiatia power project, drainage
ditch, topdressing & plane crash], the shepherd - some scenes on the
beat and a story, [vern building dam, sheep dipping] - basis 46555
2:15:21 personal record. shannon, ruth. [terawhiti point farm, camping, golf]
- basis 46212
2:23:39 personal record. shannon, ruth. the monk, [burning scrub waituna, a40
on east coast, sword fishing] - basis 46549
2:35:30 personal record. shannon, ruth. [air display taonui, public baths
oriental bay, traffic on hutt road, trentham races, surfing hawaii,
plimmerton, Church, gravestones] - basis 46210