NEWSLINE. 11/07/1986

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Presenter: Rodney Bryant
Presenter: Karen Sims

This is an off air recording of Newsline which was broadcast on TVNZ Channel One on the 11th of July 1986 presented by Rodney Bryant and Karen Sims.

Newsline was a short lived midday news broadcast which featured live interviews and a talkback segment. It was presented by Rodney Bryant, John Hayden, John Hawkesby and others.

National News headlines:

Israeli helicopters have attacked a Palestinian refugee camp near Sidon in Southern Lebanon killing at least ten people. This follows the interception of an armed group of four Palestinians who tried to land on the Israeli coast, the ensuing firefight left the Palestinians and two Israeli soldiers dead. In Rome an Italian court has sentenced 3 Palestinians to life in prison for their part in the hijacking of the Achille Lauro cruise liner.

Several African countries are reported to be re-considering their participation in the Commonwealth Games as part of a boycott against the apartheid government of South Africa. Geoffrey Howe has been visiting Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe over the employment of sanctions against South Africa. He also plans to talk with the American Secretary of State and President Botha in an effort to push for more multi party talks. Michael Runcimen reports:

The countries first AIDS clinic in has been opened in Auckland. The centre is named after Bruce Burnett who worked to establish the AID Support Network.

A Tug has run aground in the Auckland Harbour and was then rammed by the barge which ti was towing.
The French film “Hail Mary” had been passed by the censor despite strong opposition from the Catholic church.
British rugby officials have accused the New Zealand Rugby Union of making a mockery of the rules. This follows the lenient action taken against the Cavaliers players who toured South Africa.
The Police are continuing their investigation of a shot which was fired into the home of Billy T James.
The number of people who have drowned this year is significantly lower than as the same time in the previous year.

Financial News:
Trading on the stock exchange has been mixed.

Weather report:

Evan Grey has been the stand out player for the New Zealand cricket team in their match against the English minor counties. New Zealand stand at 8 for 334 with a lead of 125 and a day left to play.

Frank Bruno and Tim Witherspoon are both preparing for their WBA Heavyweight title fight. The pair attended a press conference where they lashed out at each other with words.

Boy George is said to be undergoing treatment for addiction to heroin. Richard Branson, the head of Virgin Records, has spoken about George’s struggle with drugs but the treatment he is receiving from Meg Patterson is controversial and unproven. Joan Thirkettle reports.

Talkback segment with Peter Wall, Auckland Co-ordinator of the Gay Task Force regarding the passage of the Homosexual Law Reform legislation, what it means for the gay community and ongoing bigotry, discrimination and harassment.

Rodney Bryant – There must be some clouds on the horizon given that you don’t change the attitude of society simply by passing a law.

Country Music – “An outstanding book from Television New Zealand publishing”.
TVNZ Community Service – “Swimming Pools are dangerous – Let’s play it safe”.
The Wicked Lady - Tonight on 2.

Talkback segment with Peter Wall, Auckland Co-ordinator of the Gay Task Force regarding the passage of the Homosexual Law Reform legislation, what it means for the gay community and ongoing bigotry, discrimination and harassment.

Frank Taylor of Wellington – Is it possible that public prejudice is too entrenched for things to change?
Rodney Bryant – How are you going to change the minds of people like Graeme Lee, Norman Jones, Geoff Braybrooke and John Banks?
Thomas Shelly of Auckland – As a homosexual, I have been bashed repeatedly since the Homosexual Law Reform bill was raised in Parliament. Do you think the assaults will stop?
Rodney Bryant – Will the gay community be less vulnerable with the passage of the legislation? Thomas - Could you talk to us about the assaults and violence you are experiencing?
Rodney Bryant – Do you have evidence that the New Zealand Police have assaulted or discriminated against homosexuals?
Veronica Burns of Millers Flats – I believe its evil and unnatural, why should the government legalise it? It’s a psychological illness that isn’t found in primitive cultures and don’t we have a manly culture? Isn’t it women’s liberation that’s to blame?

Teletext – “The World at your fingertips”.
Television New Zealand Community Service – “Support Operation Pay-Off and stop the trade in stolen goods”.
National and International news headlines:

Israeli helicopters have fired on a Palestinian refugee camp in Southern Lebanon after the interception of a group of men attempting to enter Israel.
Several African countries are considering joining the boycott of the Commonwealth Games.
Rugby players from the United Kingdom are threatening to drop out of the Rugby World Cup is any players from the Cavalier’s squad participate.
The President of Argentina, Reynaldo Bignone, has asked for New Zealand’s support on the issue of the Falkland Islands.
More than 600 staff at Otago freezing works will be made redundant as 2 meatworks cut their maintenance budgets.
Mike Moore, the Minister of Tourism, has launched projects in the South Island including a walking trail.

Talkback segment with Peter Wall, Auckland Co-Ordinator of the Gay Task Force regarding the passage of the Homosexual Law Reform legislation, what it means for the gay community and ongoing bigotry, discrimination and harassment.

Greg Carey of Port Chalmers – It’s like epilepsy and it’s corrupt. Shouldn’t the age of consent be lifted to at least 18 years of age?
Warren Linburg, Director NZ AIDS Foundation, speaking from the Burnett clinic.
Rodney Bryant - Does the passage of the bill mean there is more demand for assistance and advice from the AIDS Foundation?
Karen Sims – Do you hope the passage of the legislation will reduce the rate of HIV / AIDS infection amongst women?
Reece Jarvis of Auckland – I am opposed to the passage of this legislation. What more does the Gay Task Force intend to do now that the legislation has been passed?
Rodney Bryant – Mr Jarvis, do you consider this legislation more important than the Labour Party’s financial programmes or their stance on nuclear weapons?
Jack Bradshaw of Balclutha – Many youths experiment with homosexuality and criminality, so the decriminalisation of homosexuality will make it harder for youths to develop naturally.
Gabriel Androgyne of Stratford – I would like to support everything which Peter Wall has said thus far.
Rodney Bryant – How many people in the gay community are not actually homosexuals, but playing a role for whatever reason? Maybe because it’s a fashion?
Mark Wilson of Auckland – Have you ever felt guilty about being a homosexual? If you break the rules of nature you will pay the price.

Sport on One, Basketball – “Exchequer Saints Wellington vs Bowater Cars Nelson. 2.30 Saturday”.
TVNZ – “Dear Money-go-Round”
Hanlon – Tomorrow on 2.

National News headlines:

Interest rates have risen after the latest government stock tender and Roger Douglas attributes the rise to the $1 billion deficit.
Salvage work continues on the Auckland harbour after a tug and a barge ran aground.
The opposition has called for an immediate investigation into claims that the Soviet embassy is bugging phone and radio communications within the government.

Four Palestinians have been killed in what is believed to have been an effort to infiltrate Israel and carry out terror attacks. Israel has retaliated by attacking a Palestinian refugee camp near Sidon in Lebanon. A video claims to show the four guerrillas training in Lebanon and groups backed by Syria are claiming responsibility for the attempted incursion. Don McNeil reports from the Israel – Lebanon border: Yitzhak Shamir, Israeli Foreign Minister.

After nearly four decades of dispossession and despair, the plight of the Palestinian people seems to be without any hope of resolution as the world turns their back on them. Some believe them to be armed groups of extremists and others see them as refugees seeking to return to their homes, however most Palestinians simply wish that their children could enjoy peace and security. Steve Croft reports:

The Soviet Union and the United States of America have agreed in principle to cease underground nuclear testing. Verification will be the key to establishing trust, but the Soviet Union is also believed to have concerns over the Strategic Defence Initiative (Star Wars) plans of the Reagan administration. John McWethy reports from the State Department.

The Soviet war inside Afghanistan continues against the mujahideen with neither side making headway. The Afghan resistance battles against the Soviet Air Force with inadequate weapons while the Soviets cannot overcome the entrenched Afghani fighters. John Suchet reports: