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Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
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News and Current Affairs.

Main stories:
Trade unions and Labour Government in stalemate, following Government’s rejections of union calls for an immediate wage rise at Joint Council of Labour meeting. Speakers: Margaret Wilson (Labour Party President), Jim Knox, (Federation of Labour (FOL) President).

Bob Hawke and Andrew Peacock, are interviewed about the important issues in the upcoming Australian snap election. Speakers: Bob Hawke (Australian Prime Minister), Andrew Peacock (Opposition Leader).

The issue of sex education in schools is examined following Australian research which has called for earlier and more open sex education in schools. Speakers: Juliette Goldman (sociologist), Professor Ronal Goldman, (La Trobe University).

Other stories:
Police have made arrests in connection with Mangere Bridge Post Office robbery.

Jane Sabine has plead not guilty to assaulting her mother.

Shearers involved in weekend shootout with Australians in Victoria have been labelled “industrial rats” by the Auckland branch of the New Zealand workers union and accused of disrupting Australian industrial awards.

A meeting and protest march in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, has called for public flogging and a return to capital punishment as a deterrent to gang rapes and attacks on women. This followed the gang rape of a 9 year old New Zealand girl, her mother and a friend, and another attack on an ex-pat New Zealand woman. It is later announced that the PNG Prime Minister will make gang rape a crime punishable by death.

Iraq has claimed two successful strikes against naval targets in the Persian Gulf.

Walter Mondale had a clear cut victory over Ronald Reagan in first televised United States Presidential debate, however polls show Reagan is still favoured by the majority of the voting public. Speakers: Walter Mondale (Democratic Candidate), Ronald Reagan (USA President), Edward Rollins (Reagan Campaign Director).

The Archbishop of Canterbury has severely criticised Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative Government over its handling of miners strike and record levels of unemployment.

The Labour Government has launched a defence of its foreign policy and pledging support to ANZUS and western alliance. Speakers: David Lange (Prime Minsiter), Warren Cooper (Opposition Defence Spokesman).