ONE NEWS. 13/08/2003

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A missile has been seized which could have been used to shoot down the US President's plane, Air Force One.
Jim O'Halloran (Weapons Expert).

The Solomon Island warlord Harold Keke has surrendered.

The Auckland Regional Council says its lawyers can see no way out of this year's controversial rates increases.
David McGregor (ARC Lawyer); David Thornton (Regional Ratepayers' Rebellion); Craig Little (ARC Councillor).

Bar owners could soon be the only ones hit in the pocket if they let smokers light up under proposed new law changes.
Damien O'Connor (Associate Health Minister); Sue Kedgley (Green MP); Peter Dunne (United Future Leader); Fraser McInnes (Bar Bodenga).

An award winning cartoonist is claiming he has been sacked from the NZ Herald because a series of drawings were seen as anti-Semitic.
Malcolm Evans (Cartoonist); Geoffrey Levy (Auckland Jewish Council); Tom Scott (Cartoonist).

Two Palestinian teenagers have carried out suicide bombings in Israel just 20 minutes apart.
Menachem Miyara (Shopping Centre Manager).

China is warning students about safety concerns and the quality of education foreign fee paying international students receive in NZ.
George Koria (Asian Crime Unit); Trevor Mallard (Education Minister); Lex Telfler (Russley Primary School).

A weapons expert in Britain fears public opinion has been directed away from the real issue of the war against Iraq and towards the British Government's dispute with the BBC.
Wyn Bowen (Weapons Expert).

Lawyers for New Idea magazine say freedom of the press is at stake in the magazine's attempts to publish photos of TVNZ Presenter Mike Hosking's twin daughters.

The Australian PM will arrive in Auckland tonight for the South Pacific Forum where he will promote a new agenda based on Australian political and economic strength in the Pacific region.
John Howard (Australian PM); Peter Cook (Australian Senator); Roger Mori (Federated States of Micronesia).