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Rights Information
Media type
Moving image

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Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
Production company
C. D. Barton
Camera: Charles D Barton

This film shows the successful flight of aviation pioneer Percy Fisher’s monoplane, which was designed and made in New Zealand.

David Percival Fisher (1882-1941), the Wellington-born engineer and inventor, had been building and refining his monoplane since June 1911. The Fisher Monoplane, which was 7.62 metres long and weighed 196.9kg, was constructed out of wood, cross-wire bracing, and varnished Japanese silk. Fisher spent much time trialing his monoplane, but, by the time of the successful flight in 1913, had relinquished pilot duties to Reginald White.

The Fisher Monoplane’s first flight was caught on film by local film maker Charlie Barton. To capitalize on public interest, Barton released his three-minute film, EXPERIMENTAL FLIGHTS OF THE FISHER MONOPLANE at the People’s Picture Palace in Wellington in July 1913. Standing room only audiences applauded the local effort and the film was shown throughout the country.

Intertitle: “The 'Fisher Monoplane'... designed & constructed by D.P. Fisher in Wellington, was the first aeroplane built in New Zealand to fly successfully”.
Intertitle: “Details of Machine length 25 ft., wing span 26 ft., motor 4 cylinder v. type 40hp. Propeller 6ft. 9 in. long, revolving at 1200 r.p.m.”.
Intertitle: “This picture shows the plane on trial in the Wairarapa district on June 21st 1913. The pilot was Reginald White”.
Car carrying plane along road.
Plane with man testing wing movement.
Rear of plane, testing tail movements.
Man fiddles with engine, stands by propeller.
Pilot puts on hat by plane.
Plane, man starts propeller, wings move.
Plane from rear, pilot signals, helpers run off. Plane takes off, then comes down.
Plane goes up & down, sometimes touching ground.
Plane bounces past.
[Frameline change] W.S. plane off the ground comes past camera.
Plane swoops past.
Plane takes off then wobbles on ground.
Plane taking off.
Plane taking off into air.