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Moving image
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Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
Photography: Alfred Harry Reynolds

Zooms in to the word “Fiji” which has been cut out and placed, in the appropriate position, beneath the words “Pacific Ocean” on a map. [Hawaiian guitar] on soundtrack. View from sightseeing boat passing moored yachts on coastline. Seated man at stern plays out [fishing line]. View of dugout canoe with two men rowing, one standing. Passengers observe seafloor through glass bottomed portion of boat. Cuts to clear sea from side of boat. Snorkelers face-down on surface of water near boat. One has gathered [coral] in his hand and places it on deck of boat. [Sea anemone] on deck. Man [blowing] [conch.] Starfish and other aquatic creatures are added to tank on deck. [Skipper] in sailor-style cap emblazoned “LooLooLoo Suva”. (Writing is clearer in a later shot). Coastline (with palm trees) from boat. Rope being thrown over bollard on jetty. Ashore, tourists admire carvings on table manned by young boy. Shellfish in shell which has just opened with knife. Shot of boat with writing on side; “[Loogoona] REEF CRUISE”. [Skipper], shirtless but with towel over shoulder, has an hibiscus flower in each hand and he presents a flower each to two women passengers. He then places the first woman’s behind her ear to her amusement. Shot of jetty and woman [re-]boarding boat. Bow of boat moving in woman passing moored boats. Rope being thrown onto jetty for docking. Woman, still holding flower, disembarks. Tropical fish in water [of tank]. Street vegetable market with many small tables of produce. Two turbaned gentlemen retail. Back on the water. Rowboat with sail. Thatched huts. Fijian woman bathing. View of road through front window. Bus in distance. Concludes with departure from aircraft and view from plane window. Plane landing.