TV3 NEWS. 06/08/2004

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A second Jewish cemetery in Wellington has been desecrated in what appears to be an anti-Semitic attack. Amanda Gillies (3 News - live); Ernie Rosenthal (Jewish leader); Det. Sgt. Tim Leitch (Wellington Police); Michael Cullen (Acting Prime Minister); Kerry Prendergast (Wellington Mayor).

A Parliamentary select committee is to investigate whether or not NZ needs new laws limiting 'hate speech'. The Jewish community is pleased; others are worried about a possible threat to freedom of expression. Phil Goff (Minister of Justice); Kyle Chapman (National Front); Michael Bott (Council for Civil Liberties); David Zwartz (Jewish community leader).

It appears Iranian overstayer Saied Ghanbari has now exhausted all legal options and will shortly be deported. Belinda Ghanbari (Saied's wife); Colin Amery (lawyer for Saied Ghanbari).

A massive drug bust has uncovered $9 million worth of methamphetamine hidden in a shipment of lava lamps. Simon Williamson (Customs Drug Investigations).

Former Auckland Mayor Christine Fletcher has launched her re-election campaign against incumbent John Banks. Christine Fletcher (mayoral candidate); John Banks (Auckland Mayor).

Pacific leaders have gathered in Samoa for the Pacific Islands Forum. As well as the usual agenda items concerning regional economic development and measures to tackle corruption, there will be discussion on the possibility of a Pacific Islands rugby team. Leota Ale (South Pacific Games organiser); Helen Clark (PM); Chris Moller (NZRFU CEO).

Former public servant Amokura Panoho is considering legal action in the wake of accusations, since retracted, by Trevor Mallard and John Tamihere that she abused her position in the course of her ongoing involvement with the Maori Party. John Tamihere (Assoc Minister of Maori Affairs); Gerry Brownlee (National, Maori Affairs spokesman); Michael Cullen (Acting Prime Minister).

US Presidential candidate John Kerry has announced he would have acted more quickly than George W. Bush after the 9/11 attacks. This has outraged many Republicans, who claim he is leveraging a national tragedy for political gain. John Kerry (US Presidential candidate); Scott McClellan (White House Press Secretary).

Oil prices have hit a record high, spooking US and other financial markets. Phil Flynn (energy analyst); Bill Cheney (economist).

The Week in Politics: John Tamihere and the resignation of public servant Amokura Panoho.