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Moving image
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Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
Photography: Alfred Lawton Story

People standing around cars. Large group of Polynesian and European people at wharf. Views of people at wharf and passengers, taken from on board ship. People on wharf waving at departing ship. Ships at sea. New Zealand flag blowing in wind. Sign “Welcome To You All Oro-Mai”. Cook Island girl. People disembarking from row boat at beach. People greeting Cook Island adults and children at beach, walking into hut. Cook Islanders sitting on balcony drinking. Headstone: “Mr Richard Marsters”. Views of village. People sitting inside eating meal, waving leaf fans. Views of island from boat. People on board boat. Person being carried to shore on litter [sedan chair] and lowered to ground on beach. Man greeting people at beach. Speeches. Views of Cook Islanders dressed in traditional clothes at beach listening to speeches. People walking around village, thatched huts surrounded by palm trees.

Seafood on table. Man eating food. Views of beach, Union Jack flag flying on pole in background. Wrecked boat under tree. Cook Island woman with children. View of islands from on board boat. People pulling in fishing line from boat. Large fish on line. Canoes approaching boat. Views from on board row boat. Large group gathered at waters edge. Man and woman carried in litter, presented with leis. Brass band. Speeches at formal gathering. Views of village. Group photo. People sitting on balcony drinking tea. Two men. Beach. People eating feast indoors.

Group walking towards camera holding [mats]. Cook Islanders presenting people with gifts. Outdoor ceremony. Man holding model of waka/canoe. Large group of people at beach. Views of ocean and island from boat. Cook Islanders wearing white clothes and dresses at wharf. People disembarking from boat onto wharf, greeted by Cook Islanders, Union Jacks waving in wind. Wide shot of [Vice Regal] couple. Views of wharf and Cook Islanders dancing. Man making speech indoors. Village. Crowded dining room. Speeches. Man pointing at posters/charts. Islands from boat. Cook Islanders on beach. Dining Room. Cook Islands group dressed in White outside church. Island from boat. Women talking. Village. Couple with large fish. People disembarking from [fishing] boat. Large crowd gathered on wharf. People on board boat. Ceremony. Sign “Welcome.” More speeches. Views of crowd on wharf, Cook Islanders wearing traditional dress. People walking into small hut. Makeshift bus/lorry. People getting out of lorry. Close ups lorry “Tukao-Airways”. Speeches. Outdoor ceremony, singing, dancing. Cook Islanders waving good bye from wharf. Islands. Beach. Ceremony. More speeches. Dancing. Beach. People boarding Royal New Zealand Air Force [Hercules] transport aircraft.