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Moving image
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Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
Broadcast Date
Production company
Pitoone Productions
Taonga Māori Collection
Te Waha Kōrero: Timoti Karetu (Ngāi Tūhoe; Ngāti Kahungunu)
Kai Tohutohu: Tainui Stephens (Te Rarawa)
Director: Tainui Stephens (Te Rarawa)
Ngā Kaitaki-Producer: Tainui Stephens (Te Rarawa)
Ngā Kaitaki-Producer: Wiha Te Raki Hāwea

E whakaatuhia ana e Ahorangi Timoti Karetu (Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Kahungunu) ngā tāhūhū kōrero mo te reo Māori araa, i ahu mai i whea me te āhua o ngā tīpuna me tā rātau autaia ki te kapo ake ngā tikanga o te tuhi me te panui i te taenga mai o Ngāi Kiritea ki ēnei moutere. Ka titiro hoki ki te houtanga mai o Ngāi Kiritea ki ngā moutere o te Moananui a Kiwa whānui me te āhuatanga o tā rātau tāmi i te reo o tēna iwi Māori o tēna iwi Māori.
Nā te hunga mihingare tō tātau reo Māori i āta wetewete kia mōhio mai ai ōna ture whakatakoto.
E titiro anō hoki ki te āhuatanga o te reo me ōna kōrerotanga i te moutere o Hawai’i, me tana whakaahuatanga i te aohurihuri tae noa ki ōna kawenga i ngā kaupapa.
I timata te tāmate haeretanga o te reo i te whiua mai i te tamaiti i te kura mo tana kōrerotanga i te reo.

E ai ki ngā kōrero ko te utu o te haeretanga o ngā iwi atu i o rātau kaenga ki te taone ko te ngarotanga o te reo Māori.

He Whare Kōrero visits Karetu's Tuhoe and Kahungunu home marae and Pacific
Nations to present his personal story about the forces that shaped his life, including his leading role in significant Maori language developments over many years, notably in the areas of education and kapa haka. He Whare Kōrero visits Karetu's Tūhoe and Kahungunu home marae to present his personal story about the forces that shaped his life, including his leading role in significant Māori language developments over many years, notably in the areas of education and kapa haka.

Timoti Karetu (Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Kahungunu)
Wi Te Tau Huata (Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Pāhauwera) Whakaahua o mua

Ngā Tāngata e kitea ana: Brannigan Kaa (Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Kahungunu, Te Whānau-a-Apanui), Mina Ripia (Ngāti Whātua, Ngāti Kahungunu), Kito Pikaahu (Ngā Puhi), Tā Kereama Ratima (Te Pā Tū, Te Rarawa), Koro Wetere (Kinohaku, Ngāti Maniapoto), Wiremu Wiremu (Ngā Puhi), Piripi Haami (Te Ati Haunui ā Pāpārangi), Ranea Aperahama (Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Te Ati Haunui ā Pāpārangi, Te Aupouri), Ruia Aperahama (Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Te Ati Haunui ā Pāpārangi, Te Aupouri), Tā Apirana Turupa Ngata (Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau ā Apanui), Wi Huata (Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Pāhauwera), Pita Awatere (Ngāti Porou, Ngā Puhi), Eruera Stirling (Te Whānau-a-Apanui, Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Porou), Hoani Waititi (Te Whānau-a-Apanui), Hoani Te Rangianiwaniwa Rangihau (Ngāi Tūhoe)

Ngā Wāhi e Kitea ana: Waikaremoana, Tuai, Te Kuha pā, Waimārama, Hawai’i, Oihi, Wai’anae, Te Pēwhairangi, Wellington, Te Whareparemata, Waiomatatini, Jerusalem (Whanganui), Te Whanga o Okahu,

Ngā Ingoa e Whakahuatia ana:

Tāngata: Kai Tahu, Ngā Puhi, Tā Apirana Turupa Ngata (Ngāti Porou, Te Whānaua-aApanui),

Waahi: Hawaiki, Turangaroto, Kiriti, kirihi, Ihipa, Itari, Tunihia, Ruatāhuna,