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Moving image
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Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
Broadcast Date
Production company
Pito One Productions
Taonga Māori Collection
Te Waha Kōrero: Timoti Karetu (Ngāi Tūhoe; Ngāti Kahungunu)
Kai Tohutohu: Tainui Stephens (Te Rarawa)
Director: Tainui Stephens (Te Rarawa)
Ngā Kaitaki-Producer: Tainui Stephens (Te Rarawa)
Ngā Kaitaki-Producer: Wiha Te Raki Hāwea

E haere ana a Timoti ki Rānana ki te waahi i tino hiahiatia te haere i a ia e taitamariki tonu ana.
E kōrero anō hoki mo te mahi a te iwi kia kaua te reo e memeha kia mate, ko te petihana me te kereme ki Te Rūnanga Whakamana i Te Tiriti, tae atu hoki ki te Kōhanga Reo. Nā te pai o te kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo i whānui tana haere nā kua tae ake ki ngā moutere o Hawai’i.
Ko te waka o te kapahaka hei āki i te reo tētahi kaupapa i tirohia.

Ko tētahi ko te whakatū i te kura reo ki runga marae, ā, ka haere te kaupapa ki te marae o Timoti i Waimarama ki tōna taha Ngāti Kahungunu.

Kei te ao pāpāoho te mahinui koia te waka ka kawe ake o tō tātau reo ki ngā tau e haere ake nei. Ka haere anō ki rāwāhi ki te titiro ki iwi kē me tā rātau mahi whakaora i tō rātau reo.

Tūhoe linguist Professor Timoti Karetu presents a history of the Māori language.
He Whare Kōrero visits Karetu's Tuhoe and Kahungunu home marae to present his personal story about the forces that shaped his life, including his leading role in significant Maori language developments over many years, notably in the areas of education and kapa haka. He Whare Kōrero visits Karetu's Tūhoe and Kahungunu home marae to present his personal story about the forces that shaped his life, including his leading role in significant Māori language developments over many years, notably in the areas of education and kapa haka.

Kai Kōrero:
Timoti Karetu (Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Kahungunu)
Koro Wetere (Kinohaku, Ngāti Maniapoto) Whakaahua o mua
Tā Kingi Ihaka (Te Aupouri) Whakaahua o mua
Rhodri Moses (Wēra)
Lyn Davis (Wērā)

Ngā Tāngata e kitea ana: John Tapiata(Tapuika, Te Arawa, Ngāti Porou), Ngāti Rānana, Rachel Windsor (Ngāti Kahu, Ngā Puhi), Tainui Stevens (Te Rarawa), Rosanna Raymond (Hāmoa), Hannah Jackson, Ahorangi Tāmati Reedy (Ngāti Porou), Te Matarae i o Rehu, Tā Hemi Henare (Ngāti Hine), Tilly Reedy (Ngāti Porou), Waihoroi Shortland (Ngāti Hine), Tony Waho (Ngāti Rangi), Waihīrere Kapahaka, Scotty Morrison (Te Arawa), Mate Kaiwai (Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau ā Apanui), Hana O’Reagan (Kāi Tahu), Julian Wilcox (Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Te Arawa, Ngā Puhi), Mātai Smith (Rongowhakaata), Reikura Morgan (Waikato, Rarotonga, Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau ā Apanui)

Ngā Waahi e kitea ana: Rānana Ingarangi, Parī Wiwi, Mana Tamariki Papaioea, Te Punana Leo i Hawaii, Wales Wēra, Cardiff,

Ngā Ingoa e Whakahuatia ana:


Waahi: Waikaremoana,