ONE NEWS. 28/09/2004

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Update on the trial of seven Pitcairn Island men accused of sexual abuse. Ewart Barnsley (One News - live); voxpop (Pitcairn Islanders).

The two suspected Israeli spies recently jailed for passport fraud are due to be released from prison shortly. The Government remains insistent on a formal apology from the Israeli government before diplomatic relations are resumed. Helen Clark (Prime Minister); Stephen Franks (ACT Party, Justice spokesman); David Zwartz (NZ Jewish Council).

Several Somalian families in Wellington have received 'hate mail' containing anti-Muslim comments and made to look like the work of Jews. It has prompted Jewish and Muslim communities in Wellington to come together to condemn the mail. Sado Mohamed (Miramar resident); Adam Awad (Wellington Somali Council); Dave Moskovitz (Wellington Progressive Jewish Congregation); Ashrof Farouk (International Muslim Assoc of NZ); David Zwartz (NZ Jewish Council); Kyle Chapman (National Front).

Update on the trial of two Auckland men accused of running a massive passport and travel document forgery operation out of a Mt. Albert flat. Detective Steven Salton (Auckland Police).

Pakistani forces have killed Amjan Hussein Farouki, the suspected Al-Queda militant allegedly behind the kidnapping and beheading of American journalist Daniel Pearl. Professor Judea Pearl (Daniel Pearl's father); General Pervez Musharraf (President of Pakistan).

Virgin boss Richard Branson has revealed plans for the world's first space tourism business, Virgin Galactic. Richard Branson (Virgin boss); Geoffrey Kent (specialist travel agent).

A female dog control officer is recovering from surgery after being attacked by a Bull Mastiff. Sarah Fuller (dog control officer and dog attack victim); Ken Muir (Animal Control Services).

A group of former teachers at Cambridge High School are considering attempting to seek financial redress from the school and its former principal, Alison Annan. Cherie Chapman (former Cambridge High School teacher); Dennis Finn (Cambridge High School Commissioner).

Oil imports into China have doubled in the last three years, putting further pressure on world oil prices.