TV3 NEWS. 28/09/2004

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The two suspected Israeli spies recently jailed for passport fraud are to be released from prison tomorrow. The Government remains insistent on a formal apology from the Israeli government before diplomatic relations are resumed.Tania Page (3 News - live).

The NZ sharemarket, NZX, has recently hit a record high. Discussion of reasons for the strong NZ sharemarket performance. Ian Witters (Macquarie Financial Services); Tim Preston (ASB Securities).

Talk of a possible uprising in Nigeria has forced the world price of oil even higher.

There are growing calls for the contents of two official reports into Cambridge High School and charges of bullying by its former Principal, Alison Annan, to be made public. Cherie Chapman (former Cambridge High School teacher); Kaine Hansen (former Cambridge High School teacher); Lindsay Tisch (Piako MP).

The Government is set to undertake action to safeguard two of NZ's most historic buildings at Kerikeri: the 'Stone Store' and Kemp House.

Further report on the bitter Auckland Mayoral race. Candidate Dick Hubbard has laid an official complaint over the reproduction and distribution to several thousand Auckland homes of a National Business Review article critical of him. Dick Hubbard (Auckland Mayoral candidate).

Update on the British hostage crisis in Iraq. voxpop (victims' relatives).

Pakistani forces have killed Amjan Hussein Farouki, the suspected Al-Queda militant allegedly behind the kidnapping and beheading of American journalist Daniel Pearl.

Virgin boss Richard Branson has revealed plans for the world's first space tourism business, Virgin Galactic.

Update on plans for ceremonies marking the return of the remains of the Unknown (NZ WWI) Soldier from Europe. The soldier will be re-interred at the 'Tomb of the Unknown Warrior' in Wellington. Capt. Mark Samuel (NZ Army); Helen Clark (Prime Minister).

Update on the Australian General Election campaign. Mark Latham (Opposition Labor Party Leader); John Howard (Australian PM).

Update on the trial of seven Pitcairn Island men accused of sexual abuse. voxpop (Pitcairn Island females).