ONE NEWS. 30/09/2004

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The trial of seven Pitcairn Island men accused of sexual abuse finally got underway today. Ray Coombe (visiting Pastor).

ACT Party MP Deborah Coddington has reportedly consulted police and sent a written warning to Roger Kerr, Executive Director of the Business Roundtable, asking that he 'leave her alone'. Deborah Coddington (ACT Party MP); Rodney Hide (ACT Party Leader).

Report on the Ken Bigley hostage crisis.

Update on the two Italian aid workers recently freed by kidnappers in Iraq. Dr Gustavo Selva (Italian Foreign Affairs Committee Head); Margarita Boniver (Italian Deputy Foreign Minister).

Update on the New Plymouth District Council's plan to sell off its stake in New Plymouth-based powerlines company Powerco to an Australian firm. Many smaller shareholders are rushing to sell their stock. Tim Preston (ASB Securities); Peter Tennent (New Plymouth Mayor); John Rae (Taranaki Chamber of Council).

Australian police have conducted a major operation against people suspected of trading in child pornography images. Mike Phelan (Australian Federal Police); Ken Moroney (NSW Police Commissioner); Det. Supt. Kim McKay (NSW Police Child Abuse Unit).

In Yemen, two Al-Qaeda operatives have been sentenced to death for their role in the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000.

Update on the Australian General Election. Mark Latham has unveiled a generous welfare package for the elderly. Mark Latham (Opposition Labor Party Leader); John Howard (Australian PM); Dr Mukesh Haikerwal (Australian Medical Association); Janine Lacy (Mark Latham's wife).

Update on the trial of three men accused of killing the leader of the Highway 61 motorcycle gang, Kevin Weavers. Kelly Robertson (accused); Peter Neutze (Kelly Robertson's lawyer).

Report on a move by several NZ merino wool growers to sell their product in Melbourne. Ron Small (merino grower); Dr Peter Morgan (Australian Wool Industries); Keith Ovens (NZ Merino Company).