ONE NEWS. 05/10/2004

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US forces in Iraq have launched a large-scale assault on suspected rebel positions in the Sadr City area of Baghdad.

NZ's new Supreme Court today held its first public hearing: the ACT Party's appeal of a High Court ruling that Donna Awatere-Huata can remain in Parliament. Jack Hodder (ACT Party lawyer); Peter Spring (Donna Awatere-Huata's lawyer); Aaron Lloyd (Donna Awatere-Huata's lawyer).

An increasing number of former cadets from the Army's former Cadet School at the Waiouru Army Base are coming forward with allegations of physical, psychological, and sexual abuse. Brian Maim (former cadet); Eric West (former cadet); Helen Clark (Prime Minister); Mark Burton (Minister of Defence).

Update on the trial of seven Pitcairn Island men accused of sexual abuse. Christine Gordon (Pitcairn Deputy Prosecutor); Rob Vinson (British Police Inspector).

The Minister of Education has unveiled a new plan aimed at reducing rates of childhood obesity. The plan makes exercise a 'core component' in the primary school curriculum. Trevor Mallard (Minister of Education); Sue Murray (fitness programme designer); Colin Tarr (New Zealand Education Institute).

A Christchurch property developer has been fined $16,000 for making unauthorised alterations to a historic building protected under the local council's District Plan. Robert Ling (property owner); Jennie Hamilton (Historic Places Trust).

The two Auckland companies engaged in controversial commercial sand mining at the mouth of Mangawhai Harbour (see earlier stories) have ended their operations.

Report on the upcoming Australian election. Mark Latham (Opposition Leader); Terry Edwards (Forest Industry Assoc); Bob Brown (Australian Green Party Leader); John Howard (Australian Prime Minister).

Violence has broken out at a protest in Seoul against the South Korean government's plans to scrap laws banning contact with the communist North.

The Malaysian-owned forestry company Ernslaw One has confirmed the worst fears of hundreds of forestry workers on the East Coast: up to 20% of them will not be taken on when the company assumes ownership of cutting rights to large amounts of forested land voxpop (truck driver); Bill Johnson (Ernslaw One).

Singapore Airlines is to sell its 6.3% stake in Air NZ.

The private rocket-plane SpaceShipOne has flown into space for the second time in a week, clinching the X Prize and the US$10 million that comes with it. Brian Binnie (SpaceShipOne pilot).

Lynne Brewer, the 'whistleblower' on corporate fraud at US company Enron, is on a speaking tour to NZ. Lynn Brewer (Enron whistleblower).