6.30 NEWS AND TOP HALF. 18/09/1985

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6:30 NEWS
Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
Broadcast Date
Production company
Television New Zealand

News, sport and weather.

Main stories:
Unprecedented heavy security at prison holding Rainbow Warrior suspects.

Underground coal mine fire at Boatman’s Mine, Reefton: four men missing.

French newspaper “Le Monde” reveals there was a third party of two French agents who planted the bombs on the Rainbow Warrior.

Police have finished their examination of the Greenpeace vessel.

Opponents of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill have presented MPs with a breakdown of their petition, electorate by electorate. Interview with petition organiser Graham Lee MP.

South Auckland Police step up search for killer of Takanini farmer.

Three men have been charged with the murder Lumsden bank robber.

Police have launched a campaign in Christchurch against those who receive stolen goods.

Wage round: Drivers reject 12 1/2% but talks continue and are making progress.
Meat workers talks have broken off but will resume again in 12 days. In Wellington the metal trades talks are deadlocked but there’s no hint of a breakdown.

Spy in German Chancellor’s office defects to East Germany.

Italian police confused over grenade attack on fashionable restaurant.

Hints that the Cabinet is looking at freeing up the regulated airline industry.

Air New Zealand checks 737 engines after crash in Manchester.

Top Half
Campaign of tolerance over homosexual law reform by group of liberals in Auckland.

Demand that the Link between Southern and North West motorways be given higher priority.

Future of Taumarunui Hospital in doubt without radiographer. Interview with Surgeon Superintendent Paul Malpass.

Scotland’s Highland Radio correspondent in Huntly , Murdo MacKenzie, files his stories on NZ in Gaelic.

Old Kauri log to be displayed at Home show.