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News and Current Affairs.

Main Stories:
The Barclays index is at its lowest point since April last year and investors want the Government to help provide confidence. Roger Douglas has reacted to calls to lead the share market out of its slide by arguing that the pace of economic change and reform should be increased. The New Zealand market is examined and Roger Douglas is interviewed. Speakers: Kevin O’Connor (Wellington Stock Exchange Chairman), Paul Bevin (Chief Executive Francis Allison Symes and Co. Shareholders), Roger Douglas (Minister of Finance), Colin Reynolds (Chase Corporation).

Labour Party members are gathering in Auckland tonight on the eve of their conference. A showdown is looming between trade unionists and the parliamentary wing over proposed party constitutional changes and continuing Government economic reform. Reporter Richard Harman is interviewed in studio. Speakers: Pat Kelly (Chairman, Industrial Affiliates), Margaret Wilson (Retiring Labour Party President), Richard Harman (TVNZ).

The billion dollar New Zealand gambling industry is profiled. Speakers: Phillip Leishman (TVNZ), Dr Barry Kirkwood (Pyschologist), Warwick Kiddle (Golden Kiwi Organiser), Peter Leitch (The Mad Butcher).

Other Stories:
In Christchurch unemployed people have protested against Government plans to reduce the dole (DPB) for those under 18 years old. Effigies of David Lange, Roger Douglas and Phil Goff were burnt.

There has been a formal finding regarding the death of a young man, Wayne Cox, at the orthopaedic ward at Whakatane hospital.

Intelligence sources say Libya’s Colonel Gaddafi is almost certainly the source of a huge weapons haul seized off the French coast and apparently bound for the Republic of Ireland.

“Death to America Day” was celebrated in Iran today.

Papua New Guinea has recognised Colonel Rabuka’s military regime in Fiji as a legitimate government.

President Reagan has assured European allies that their security will not be compromised by the proposed arms control treaty between the USA and USSR.

Prince Charles and Princess Diana are in Munich, one stop in a tour of West Germany.

The Central American peace plan came into operation today, but in Nicaragua the situation is still fraught. Speaker: Father Miguel D’Escoto (Nicaraguan Foreign Minister).

Mikhail Gorbachev’s push for reform of the USSR continued today when he made a speech suggesting Eastern Bloc states become more independent. The response to perestroika in Moscow is also examined.

President Reagan is under increasing pressure to act in the face of the growing United States budget deficit. Speaker: Ronald Reagan (US President).

Californian drug enforcement has been waging a high tech war against marijuana growers. Speakers: Paul Schmidt (Trinity County Sheriff), Jack Beecham (Raid Commander), Diana Chavez (California Dept of Justice),

Debate rages over plans for a nuclear waste dump in uninhabited Bullfrog County, Nevada. Speakers: Mike Melner (Bullfrog City Commissioner), Ben Rusche (US Department of Energy), Paul May (Nevada State Assemblyman), Robert Revert (Nye County Commissioner).

Land’s End in Cornwall has been purchased by a businessman.

Plans for the Duke and Duchess of York to build a mansion have been stopped by locals in Royal Berkshire. Speaker: Neville Orton (Berkshire County Council).