6.30 NEWS. 05/12/1987

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6.30 NEWS
Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
Broadcast Date
Production company
Television New Zealand

News, sport and weather.

Main stories:
The best known phrase to emerge from the investigation into the Air New Zealand disaster at Mount Erebus was echoed in a Washington courtroom today. Mr Justice Mahon’s ‘orchestrated litany of lies’ remark was quoted by an American lawyer as a reason why his report should not be admitted as evidence. A Washington judge is hearing a case in which the relatives of the DC-10’s aircrew are suing American Air Traffic Controllers for negligence. Speakers: Maria Collins (Pilot’s Widow), Kathryn Collins (Pilot’s Daughter).

In Washington President Reagan has come under fierce attack from some of his own conservative allies over next week’s superpower summit and the planned arms treaty with the Soviet Union. Two reports.

Other stories:
The United Nations General Assembly has voted in favour of a New Zealand motion calling for independence for New Caledonia.

The bombed Greenpeace ship the “Rainbow Warrior” came into port for the last time today.

Another two people made court appearances today in connection with what Police describe as a major drug importing ring. A married couple from Whangarei have been charged with importing heroin. Police say the drug ring was uncovered during investigations into the fatal shooting of publican Chris Bush.

One of Australia’s most wanted criminals has been captured in Hamilton.

A private aerial search for the missing Napier trawler “Deep Sea Two” is being scaled down after no trace was found of the ship today.

New Zealand’s newest National Park, Paparoa, was opened on the West Coast today. Speakers: Guy Salmon (Native Forests Action Council), Margaret Moir (West Coast United Council Chair).

Brian Lindsay, New Zealand’s first heart transplant recipient, did his first exercise since his operation today.

The King and Queen of Belgium got a taste of New Zealand culture when they visited a marae in West Auckland today.

Pacific Island elders are worried that some of their community are being misled when seeking loans or credit because of language difficulties. Speaker: Samson Samasoni.

New Zealand has become an important source of information for scientists on how the earth was made. Speakers: Dr Ewan Fordyce (Otago University Geologist), Dr Gordon Curry (Glasgow University).

New Zealand versus Australia cricket test match.

Air New Zealand Shell Golf Open.

National Secondary Schools Athletic Championships at Hamilton. Speakers: Graeme McCabe (NZ Olympic Team Asst Manager),

National Windsurfing Speed-sailing Championships at Lake Wakatipu.
