ONE NEWS. 04/04/2006

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News, sport and weather.
Debate is raging over police charging a father with assault after he confronted and grabbed an 11 year old boy he claims bullied his daughter, and warned him off doing it again. John Bangma (School Principal); voxpop.

Supporters of rape complainant Louise Nicholas plan to continue their campaign, but will do so within the law. Lenka Rochford (Louise Nicholas Supporter); Emma Wills (Louise Nicholas Supporter); Scott Optican (Auckland University Law School).

Beekeepers have protested at Parliament against Government plans to allow the importation of Australian honey. Russell Berry (NZ Beekeepers' Association); Douglas Birnie (Biosecurity NZ0; Jim Anderton (Agriculture Minister).

NZ hospitals have been warned to be aware of unqualified medical graduates from the Pacific. Larry Sands II (South Pacific School of Medicine); John Campbell (NZ Medical School); Ron Crocombe (University of the South Pacific); Jim Marurai (Cook Islands PM).

The Government plans to change the way it funds the tertiary sector, abandoning the bums on seats principle it has been using and opting for funding based on quality courses, not quantity. Michael Cullen (Tertiary Education Minister); Craig Coxhead (Te Wananga O Aotearoa Chairman); Connor Roberts (University Students' Association Co-President); Jim Doyle (Association of Polytechnics NZ); Bill English (National MP).

Petrol prices hit record highs yesterday, only to fall back to a price lower than it was yesterday morning. Voxpop; Geoff Gillett (Gull Petroleum); Robin Clements (UBS Warburg).

The new Police Commissioner says he plans to rebuild public confidence in the force. Howard Broad (New Police Commissioner); Helen Clark (PM - Labour); Annette King (Police Minister).

A UN report calling for the Foreshore and Seabed Act to be repealed and for the Treaty of Waitangi to be entrenched in law is likely to be ignored by the Government. Helen Clark (PM - Labour); Tariana Turia (Maori Party Co-Leader); Gerry Brownlee (National Deputy Leader).

A jury in the USA has decided that Zaccharius Moussaoui, the only man convicted of the 9/11 terrorist attacks can be executed. But will they choose to execute him? Rosemary Dillard (Victim's Wife).

TVNZ has apologised to former Chief Executive Ian Fraser for censuring him for his testimony to a Parliamentary Select Committee.

The local Falun Gong Association has taken legal action against the Chinese Commerce Minister who is in the Chinese delegation due to arrive in NZ tomorrow for trade talks. Carole Curtis (Human Rights Lawyer).