6.30 NEWS & TOP HALF. 19/02/1987

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6.30 News
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New Zealand/Aotearoa
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News, sport and weather.

Main stories:
The Opposition claims the Labour Department’s latest figures show that unemployment is spreading from the towns to the cities. When holiday jobseekers are excluded more than 81,500 people were registered as unemployed last month. The Opposition says 17 of the Department’s employment districts hit record unemployment for January. Speakers: Bill Birch (Opposition Employment Spokesman), Kerry Burke (Employment Minister).

Other stories:
The Government has dismissed the Federation of Labour’s (FOL) four political demands released yesterday as a propaganda exercise. Labour Minister Stan Rodger says the FOL didn’t have the courtesy to tell the Government before going public. Meanwhile the Government is also facing pressure from within its own ranks to change economic direction and protect jobs and local industry. Speaker: Stan Rodger (Labour Minister).

The Prime Minister today claimed the National Party may have received funds linked to United States spy agencies. David Lange implied in Parliament that the American Project Democracy, which has been linked to US intelligence support for the Nicaraguan Contras, had funded overseas trips for senior National Party figures.

Parliament’s Speaker has denied that security was breached by the Army yesterday when it carried machine guns into the building to show a select committee.

A major shift in Australia's defence policy is expected to be announced later this week. Sources say closer ties to New Zealand and the island states of the South Pacific are likely and a change in defence posture away from Southeast Asia.

The Opposition claimed in Parliament today that the American company hired to supply $10 million worth of Lotto computers was embroiled in a fraud, bribery and corruption scandal in the United States. Speaker: Jim Bolger (Opposition Leader).

New Zealand’s last big independent car assembly plant has been sold to the Japanese. The Todd family has ended more than 60 years involvement in the motor industry by selling Todd Motors to the Mitsubishi Corporation. Speaker: John Todd (Todd Motors Managing Director).

Four Hastings schoolgirls are still in intensive care at Hastings Hospital following Tuesday’s fatal bus crash.

The farmer whose financial plight was spotlighted by last week’s protest in Palmerston North has won a reprieve. Paul Geurtjens had been faced with a mortgagee sale but his creditors have now given him another chance.

The man accused of killing 6 year old Christchurch girl Louisa Damodran has been committed to the High Court. for trial. 30 year old Peter Joseph Holdem pleaded not guilty to murder and indecent assault charges.

The Te Aroha man Rowan Stokes, who received a new heart a year ago, has now been diagnosed as having lymphatic cancer.

The organisation that sponsored last year’s smoke free week is doing it again. Smoke Free New Zealand says the campaign was such a success last round that they’ll be running another non smoking week in October, aimed particularly at teenagers. Speaker: Mike Kelly (Smoke-Free NZ),

It’s polling day for the Kingdom of Tonga, with 9 MPs voted in by the people.

Election in Ireland.

A trawler in the Irish Sea has netted a submarine.

Soviet television has show a documentary about the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

“Chariots of Fire” music copyright case.

National records tumbled at the first session of the age group swimming championships in Dunedin today. Speakers: John Steel, Linda Robinson (Swimmers).

Fine weather is forecast for the first cricket test match between New Zealand and the West Indies which begins tomorrow. Speakers: Glen Turner (New Zealand Manager), Steve Comacho (West Indies Manager).

Youth cricket match at Cheviot between Australian Youth XI and Tasman Colts.

The role of the cox has changed at the Auckland Rowing Championships at Lake Karapiro. Speaker: Dudley Storey (Rowing Foundation).

An unusual sporting trophy was unveiled today as part of the preparations for an air race from Singapore to Christchurch next month. The trophy is a restored Tiger Moth aircraft. Speaker: Bryce Hawkins (Race Manager).

Top Half.