ONE NEWS. 11/07/2006

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A new study shows that the numbers of New Zealanders living in hardship are climbing dramatically, particularly for Maori and Pacific Islanders. Hannah Hodson (Political Reporter, Wellington); Josehine Peri (Solo Mum); Gerry Brownlee (National, Maori Affairs); Parekura Horomia (Minister of Maori Affairs); Tariana Turia (Maori Party Co-Leader).

Transpower has been criticised in an independent report into last months power outage in Auckland, with claims they did not adequately maintain a substation. Ben Tornquist (Political Reporter); Michael Barnett (Auckland Chamber of Commerce); Chris Roberts (Transpower); David Parker (Minister of Energy).

Economic analysts believe the New Zealand dollar is set to plunge against the Australian. Jen Nolan (One News); Martin Simpson (JJ Fraser Engineering); Cameron Bagrie (ANZ Chief Economist); Howard Morley (New Zealand Real Estate Institute).

The Privy Council has ruled that the convicted child sex offenders from the Pitcairn Island were subject to British law. Melissa Stokes (Europe Correspondent, London); Simon Moore (Prosecutor); Kathy Marks (The Independent Reporter).

Australian Prime Minister John Howard and Treasurer Peter Costello are embroiled in an embarrassing argument over an apparent 12 year old deal between the two where Howard promised to retire after 2 and a half terms as leader of the Liberal Party. Garth Bray (One News); Peter Costello (Australian Treasurer); John Howard (Australian Prime Minister); John Hewson (Former Liberal Leader); Dennis Shanahan (Australian Political Journalist).

Shamil Basayev, the Chechen man suspected of involvement in the Beslan school massacre and the Moscow theatre siege and the storming of a Russian hospital that resulted in the deaths of hundreds is now himself dead.

A look at New Zealand's foster care crisis. With New Zealand having one of the highest rates of child abuse in the world, the need for foster parents is always growing. Ron Mark (New Zealand First MP).

Ngai Tahu has gifted 33,000 miles of land to the people of New Zealand. John McDermott (One News); Sir Tipene O'Regan (Ngai Tahu); Jeff Connell (Conservation Department); Chris Carter (Conservation Minister).