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News and Current Affairs.

Main Stories:
With a decision on New Zealand’s frigates just weeks away the two leading contenders for the ANZAC project have each highlighted what they see as the benefits to New Zealand industry of their respective bids, and one of them is claiming that almost all of the frigates could be built here.
Speakers: Roger Douglas (Minister of Finance), Rick Christie (Managing Director, Cable Price Downer), Joan Kirner (Deputy Premier, Victoria, Australia), Jim Butterworth (Secretary, Engineers Union).

Within the next two weeks its likely the fate of hundreds of local bodies around the country will be sealed as the Local Government Commission releases its final amalgamation scheme. While most of the country has reluctantly accepted the changes there are still areas fighting for their independence.
Speakers: Charlie Saunders (Marlborough Resident), Doug Kidd (Marlborough MP), Peter Malone (Nelson Mayor), Brian Elwood (Local Govt Commission Chairman), Mike Pritchard (Local Govt Reorganisation Committee), Jenny Thomas (Independent Devonport Committee), Ann Hartley (Birkenhead Mayor), Phil McDermott (Strategic Planner), Dr Michael Bassett (Local Government Minister).

Other Stories:
A week after the disappearance of Hutt Valley teenager Karla Cardno Police mounted a special exercise in Taita hoping to find her.

The hunt for the missing Swedish tourists, Urban Hoglin and Heidi Paakkonen, is also being stepped up this weekend. Meanwhile Mark Shane Tonks, who helped Police search for them, found himself in the Auckland District Court today.

The past month could hardly have been busier for the Police, but all the action is taking place amid rumours of drastic cuts in Police recruiting. Speaker: Stuart Mangnall (Police Association Spokesman).

Qantas passengers injured.

The strike by Air New Zealand pilots next Wednesday is on. Informal talks with the airline broke down today after the pilots rejected a compromise proposal.

The Government will not be cutting the immigration quota from Western Samoa. In return the Samoan Government is offering to do more about the overstayer problem.

An Australian artist has won New Zealand’s most prestigious pottery award, the Fletcher Challenge Ceramics Award.